
Does a health insurance policy cover dengue? The answer is simple, ‘YES.’ A specifically-designed policy, Dengue Health Insurance is a type of policy designed that supports medical expenses incurred on the treatment costs of dengue fever. It offers financial support to the insured and allows them to pay their hospital bills.
Benefits of Dengue Health Insurance Policy
A dengue health insurance policy covers:
- In-patient hospitalization expenses
- Pharmacy and home nursing expenses
- Room rent, ambulance, and ICU charges
- Pre-hospitalization and post-hospitalization
- Diagnostic tests before or during hospitalization
- Doctor consultation fees (pre, post, or during hospitalization)
- Outpatient expenses (OPD consultation in some policies)
These benefits are available depending on the insurance policy you choose.
What is dengue and what causes it?
Dengue is a virtual infection that is transmitted through the bite of infected mosquitoes. This mosquito-borne viral disease is spread by various species of female mosquitoes. Aedes aegypti mosquitoes are the primary vectors that transmit the dengue virus (DENV).
Symptoms of Dengue
Dengue fever has many symptoms that can show whether a person has caught the disease. In general, the 4 to 7 days is the incubation period. However, many cases have been reported to have a 14 days incubation period. Common symptoms of dengue fever include:
- Body rash
- Eye pain
- Severe headache
- Fatigue
- Nausea
- Weak pulse
- Constant vomiting
- Sudden high fever
- Disorientation
- Bleed of mouth
- Bleeding from gums or nose
- Muscle and joint pain
Treatment of Dengue Fever
Since a virus causes dengue and no antibiotics are available to treat it, no specific treatment is practiced. Medical experts provide treatment based on the symptoms. To recover from the symptoms, it is good to drink plenty of fluids. In case of any signs and severe symptoms, meet a healthcare provider immediately.
To sum up, dengue is a deadly disease. Most patients develop severe symptoms that cause death. In short, buy a suitable dengue health insurance plan to get financial assistance and afford the expensive treatment.