
This comprehensive studyprovides various aspects of business such as important definition, end use andtotal revenue generated across various regions. Besides this, researchersbehind this study put in vigilant and persistent effort to keep a proximateattention on top performers of Industrial Lubricants Market industry. Importand export, demand and supply, gross margin, supply chain management anddistribution channel are the other aspects examined during the research. Thestudy audits various winning strategies adopted by the market leaders tomaintain the competitive edge worldwide. This adds more clarity to theresearch. Resource charts, tables and graphical images are included to makedecisive statistics self-explanatory.
The report titled ‘Global Industrial Lubricants Market’ is acomprehensive report that offers detailed research and analysis of key aspectsof the global Industrial Lubricants Market. The data is gathered throughextensive primary and secondary research and further validated by industryexperts and professionals. The report provides full coverage of the key drivingfactors, restraints, challenges, trends, and growth prospects to offer acomplete overview of the global Industrial Lubricants Market. New entrants andtop players can benefit from the data offered by the report to plan effectivebusiness and investment strategies. Additionally, the report provides acomprehensive analysis of current and emerging trends.
KeyHighlights of Report
In December 2020, Nyara Energy,formerly known as Essar Oil, partnered with Shell, a major energy company, tosell the latter’s industrial lubricants through its network of fuel stations inIndia. Nyara Energy has over 5,900 fuel stations in India and it plans to buildnew stations to reach 7,300 stations by 2022.
Hydraulic fluids offer alubricating film, which reduces the wear and tear on moving parts of anequipment. Effectiveness of the film depends on the balance between viscosity ofthe lubricants, sliding speeds and loads, and fluid stability.
Synthetic oil has excellentlow-temperature flow performance, it offers enhanced oxidation and thermalstability, and it has excellent wear protection. This type of oil is higher inquality and purity than mineral oils.
The construction segment heldthe largest share of the industrial lubricants market in 2019, due to highdemand for construction activities in China and India. From dump trucks anddraglines, bulldozers, to scrapers and shovels, all construction equipment aresubjected to harsh conditions, which generates demand for lubricants.
The Asia Pacific region heldthe largest share of the global market, with high demand witnessed in China.The country is a rapidly developing nation and is witnessing strong growth ofconstruction, power generation, and oil & gas sectors.
Key market participants includeThe Lubrizol Corporation, ExxonMobil Corp, Royal Dutch Shell, Amsoil, Inc.,Valvoline International, Inc., Kluber Lubrication, Clariant, Chevron Corp.,Petronas Lubricant International, and Quaker Chemical Corp.
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North America (U.S., Canada)
Europe (U.K., Italy, Germany,France, Rest of EU)
Asia Pacific (India, Japan,China, South Korea, Australia, Rest of APAC)
Latin America (Chile, Brazil,Argentina, Rest of Latin America)
Middle East & Africa (SaudiArabia, U.A.E., South Africa, Rest of MEA)
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