
Liquid Chiller Market
“Liquid Chiller Market – Global Industry Dynamics2018-19, Trends and Forecast, 2020–2027” is an upcoming market research reportadded by the analysts at Industry Probe. Liquid chiller market reportoffers existing driving and limiting factors, consumer behavior &trends, and scope for opportunities that can help the strategists andcompanies.
The report is a result of a thorough secondaryresearch as well as interviews with industry experts. Therefore, numbers are asclose to accurate as they get and the information accessible in the report onthe liquid chiller market is easy to comprehend. Industry Probe analysts haveincluded some of the major players operating in the liquid chiller market alongwith information about revenue, strengths, opportunities, segmentation,competitive landscape and regional presence of the market players.
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As per the report, increase in the number of hotelsand restaurants is boosting the demand for the liquid chiller product andexpected to fuel the global market in the forecast period. Liquid chillers areenergy-efficient, sustainable technology, which are durable, efficient, andpossess a low environmental impact. They operate quietly due to absence of theducts and vents and are safer due to the absence of toxic chemicals. Theseadvantages are anticipated to drive the global liquid chiller market during theforecast period.
The report has segregated the global liquid chillermarket on the basis of product, type, application, end-user, and region. Basedon type, the market is classified into water cooled, air cooled, portable, andsplit systems. In terms of application, the global liquid chiller market is categorizedinto automotive, chemical & petrochemical, food & beverage, medical& pharmaceutical, oil & gas, plastic, and others (power generation,rubber, and steel industry).
Some of the major players operating in the globalliquid chiller market are included in this report to give a better competitiveanalysis of the market and these include Advantage Engineering, Inc., BemcoInc., Berg Chilling Systems Inc., BV Thermal Systems, Cooling Technology Inc.,Fluid Chillers, Inc., G&D Chillers, Koolance, Inc., Mokon, ThermonicsCorporation and others are planning to enter into the market.
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