
digital marketing company in kerala
Having professionals of a digitalmarketing agency in Kerala is necessary for both small and medium-sized businesses for improvingthe reliability of your products and services. The problems that arise in yourwebsite can be identified easily and resolve it immediately with an appropriatesolution for avoiding the problems that occur in the future.
Top 3 indications that will show you the time for the redesigningfor your website
Today, the website has become an integral part of the promotion ofyour business among the audience. A well designed is the great window where youwill be able to reach out success apart from the heavy compared to the othercompetitors. Is it just enough to stop just with creating the website? No! Youhave to work on your website on a regular basis. Here are some of the instanceswhere you need to redesign the website.
When bounce rateincreases
When your website reaches to more bounce rate, it means that youhave reached the time where you need to design it. You can view GoogleAnalytics and find the percentage of visitors at a particular time. If thebounce is in single digit, it is fine but when it reaches 40 to 50%, it isnecessary to work with it.
Long loading time
It is necessary for your site to get loaded faster as it is one ofthe most important features of the website. When the loading time is reduced,it automatically reduces the quality of the website. Make sure that the loadingtime does not exceed more than 3 seconds. If it exceeds, it is the time to workon it.
When the content is old
When the content becomes old, it automatically loses the interestamong the visitors and this reduces the traffic to your site. It is found that16 new posts of the content per month will be attracted for more than 3 timesthe amount of traffic. So it is necessary to work on the content at least oncein a month.
Final thoughts
Today, when you are, not active in any of the aspects that arerelated to your business, it is not possible to succeed. The website plays avital role in bringing your audience to be a part of your business. This can beachieved only when you are working on it. Be active and attract your customersin all possible ways and only that can be an effective move for a successfulbusiness.
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digital marketing company in kerala