How To Fix If Equalizer APO and Realtek Sound Drivers Problem?
How To Fix If Equalizer APO and Realtek Sound Drivers Problem?
Clicking on Apps in Settings should open the list of installed programs. Wait for the list to complete. Click on Equalizer APO and then click on Uninstall/Repair in either the Control Panel or Settings. Find Equalizer APO-associated access in the computer registry. Click on the Find Home button.

Equalizer APO and Realtek Sound Drivers Problem - Many users want to have complete control over the sound coming from their PC, but Microsoft doesn't offer enough options. Many users instead use third-party equalizers. This is Equalizer APO, which users report doesn't work. Although Equalizer APO appears to work properly, it doesn't alter the audio output from your computer. This problem can be solved by many other people so you should check out their methods!