
I well know You are thinking about the broken link of your site. It's very serious issue to your site. This article will help you to do that. In this article, you will find what is a dead link, reasons behind them, and how to fix broken links in WordPress. So let’s walk you through it.
What is A Broken Link
In simple words, broken links are the links that don’t work anymore. This means, when you click on a link, instead of taking to the respective page, it shows an error. The page maybe doesn’t exist anymore or moved to a different location.
“This page isn’t available the link you followed may be broken, or the page may have been removed.” When a message as such appears, you know the link is broken. But the question is why? Well, there are several many reasons. We have pointed out some major issues behind a dead link.
Why Do Links Turn Into Broken Links?
- When you delete a page or move it to a different location.
- If you change a page URL but forget to update the link in other places.
- Broken links can occur as a result of an unsuccessful move to a new host.
- Change in your website’s domain name can cause dead links as well.
- Can happen while migrating from other platforms to WordPress.
- In case you linked a third-party website and changed or removed the link.
- Human errors like using wrong attributes or spelling mistakes while setting a WordPress hyperlink.
- Sometimes, plugins you use can have an effect too.
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