How do I get rid of my fistula problems? What is the effective surgery for fistula?
How do I get rid of my fistula problems? What is the effective surgery for fistula?
A fistula is an abnormal connection or channel where a contaminated or deceased gland opens into the skin near the anal area. An anal fistula usually develops anywhere in the intestine and rectal area. However, they are most commonly found in the anal region. An anal fistula usually occurs due to the infection in the part that results in an abscess, which forms a passage in the skin connecting the infected gland.

Symptoms of anal fistula:


Few signs that can help in detecting the anal fistula are:

Recurrent anal abscess

Inflammation and pain in the region

Unpleasant smelling fluid leakage from the anal region, pain seems to subside after the leakage.


Fever or chills


Diagnosis of anal fistula:


Before the Fistula Laser Treatment, the person needs to undergo a series of diagnostic tests, and a proctologist especially recommends these tests to examine the condition of the infection.


Physical examination: In a few cases, the fistula opening is visible outside the skin, and the specialist examines the fistula channel and analyzes its depth. 


In case the fistula opening is not visible on the skin. Then, the specialist might conduct anoscopy, which is a procedure that can help in clear visualization of the rectum and anus.


MRI and ultrasound are conducted to the anal region to get a better idea of the fistula infection. In addition, tests may be performed to analyze any connection between the fistula and Crohn's' disease, an inflammatory condition. Almost 25% of people can get affected with Crohn's disease. Therefore, consult a Fistula Treatment Bangalore in case you have any fistula related symptoms.


Fistula Medical Surgery:


The most effective treatment for anal fistula is anal fistulotomy. Fistulotomy is a medical procedure that aids in drainage of the anal fistula so that the fistula can heal. This procedure can also help in closing the infection channel. Fistulotomy is an outpatient procedure, and the patient need not stay at the hospital after the treatment. Small fistulas involve local anaesthesia, and the large and deeper ones require to be performed under general anaesthesia. Fistula Operation Cost can depend on the condition and the area of the hospital.


Fistula Laser Surgery:


As the name suggests, this is a less complicated procedure involving a small incision. The method focuses on removing the anal fistula with the help of a laser. First, a radiating fibre-optic tube is inserted into the fistula, and gradually the laser is applied. Next, a numbing cream is applied to the area to avoid discomfort. The lasers target the fistula, and after a few minutes, the fistula shrinks. Fistula Laser Treatment Cost may differ from place to place, and discuss with the specialist to know the price of the procedure. 


Recovery from anal fistula:


Even if the patient is discharged immediately after the procedure, it is essential to rest for a day or two. Avoid unnecessary movements, and try to lie down to avoid discomfort. During the recovery period, your food habits might be changed, and also physical activity is restricted. Ensure to reach out to the doctor if there is heavy blood loss, severe pain and swelling at the surgical site, rise in body temperature, trouble while urinating, constipation, and nausea. Even after the treatment, the person should take good care of their health by cautiously following the guidelines recommended by the specialist to avoid the recurrence of fistula in future. Laser Treatment For Anal Fistula In Madurai can be helpful for people living in the city.