Home and Living Options Under the NDIS | Avocadocare
Home and Living Options Under the NDIS | Avocadocare
Different participants have different needs in terms of housing and daily support. There are many NDIS home and living options that may suit you aside from Supported Independent Living. Find out about them in this blog from Avocadocare!

Part of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) in Australia is to provide funding for home and living options for its participants. The goal is to help participants live a comfortable and independent life while still providing support to address their needs. 

Different participants have different needs in terms of housing and daily support. This is why the NDIS offers various home and living options that will cater to specific needs.

1. Supported Independent Living or SIL

Supported independent living is an NDIS service that you may opt for if you have higher level needs but still want to live as independently as possible. A support person can be assigned to you 24/7 to assist you in your daily routine but at the same time, help you develop and enhance your life skills. Autonomy is given to you for deciding on what particular tasks you need support with.

2. Short-Term Accommodation

This is NDIS funding for participants needing a place to stay for a short period of time, up to 14 days. Options could be an accommodation shared with other participants or by yourself. This type of set-up can be offered as part of respite care so your usual caregivers can be given a short break from caretaking. It can also be an option for you if you want to try living with other participants and build social skills.

3. Medium-Term Accommodation

This type of accommodation is usually offered to participants waiting for their long-term housing option to be confirmed and can be used for up to 90 days. It may also be an option if you are waiting for modifications to be completed in your own home.

4. Specialist Disability Accommodation

For participants with very high support needs, this type of housing may be the best option. Houses provided have features like wide doorways and hallways and modified rooms and fixtures that cater to the participants needs.

5. Home Modifications and Assistive Technology

Funding is also available if you wish to stay in your own home and modifications to specific spaces will be done instead. The modifications will ensure that you can move around more easily and perform tasks comfortably. Examples include safety rails, ramps, and changes in fixtures in the kitchen for easy access and use.


Assistive technology on the other hand are equipment or devices that helps you in your day-to-day tasks or movement that you cannot usually do. Examples are specialised eating utensils, large print labels, adjustable beds, and prosthetics.

6. Individualised Living Options or ILO

In this type of funding, your living option is designed based on how you want it to be. You can choose the home you live in and the particular support you need. You can also choose to live with your family, friends, or a host. The funding you will receive will be specific to your needs, preferences, strengths, and community network.

7. Assistance With Daily Living

Support with daily activities like cooking, shopping, gardening, personal care and hygiene. This funding can be included in the other home and living options mentioned above.

Home and Living Options Under the NDIS second | Avocadocare