The significant benefit of laser micromachining is it helps to monitor a wide range of laser parameters accurately, helping turn a flat sheet of metal into various parts with many characteristics without the need for tools. Here's why you should choose laser micromachining over mechanical cutting.
Cleaner Cuttings
Lasers make for finer and smoother cuts, with complicated detail and right edge quality in sheet metal or circular, square, rectangular, and triangular tubes. Unlike mechanical cutting, cuts are burr-free and can be extremely complex. Lasers may also be used to cut wood, plastics, ceramics, or wax precisely.
3D laser cutting is also available for parts with unique hole geometries, and CNC laser cutting is available for creating curves and creating complex 3D structures. 6-axis laser cutting capabilities allow for cuts at any fancied angle for weld prep, plus deliver the highest accuracy for smooth fit-up of assemblies - all in a single application cycle.
Higher Accuracy-Less Metal Loss
Mechanical cutting includes contamination, wear, and damage of blades on cutting devices. But lasers do not have a particular surface to wear, and they can cut as many similar objects as you need without wearing out. Laser micromachining also results in higher consistency from part to part. And laser micromachining isn't just about cutting components. Lasers can carve holes into metal, etch, or even counter-sink holes.
Moreover, since the laser is so powerful, there is less wasted content around the cut. Thus furthermore, since there are fewer wasted products, you can cut back on time as well as the effort it takes to clean up every day.
Limited user intervention
Laser micromachining is relatively easy to use and does not require a great deal of skill or training. For the latest advanced laser cutting tools, the amount of steps involving human intervention has been drastically decreased, making for more effective component nesting functionality due to improved programming versatility.
Faster production
Most laser equipment also comes with automated loading and unloading features. It provides flexibility for lasers to work while the employee is on break or at lunch, allowing for the quicker output of products.
Using laser micromachining, you will have the precision parts you need much quicker and more cost-effective than with other types of machines. Lasers can be used to cut carbon steel up to 1", stainless steel up to 0.5", and aluminum up to 0.375". And with the advancement in laser technology, new boundaries are reached every day.
Femtosecond micromachining and Picosecond laser micromachining allows Laserod to achieve various processes, such as cutting, drilling, and turning in just about any material. If you have difficult-to-machine materials, parts, and components, entrust it all to the world's leading laser micromachining company - Laserod. We are dedicated to offering outstanding micro-machining services to different sectors, such as aerospace, microelectronics, touchscreen producers, medical, transducer sensors, and many more. Call Laserod Technologies at 1-310-340-1343 / 1-888-991-9916 for projects and queries.