Heirloom Essential Oils Useful for Antiviral Protection
Heirloom Essential Oils Useful for Antiviral Protection
Heirloom Essential Oils Useful for Antiviral Protection

Thisis a shortened list of The Most Effective Anti Viral Essential Oils andEssential Oil Blends that have been part of the human arsenal since ancienttimes to combat Virus and should not be overlooked.when preparing your lines ofdefense against seasonal viral based illness.


TeaTree Oil - Melaleuca Alternifolia A worldwide staple primarily grown anddistilled in Australia- One of the strongest antiviral oils known and a greatchoice for adding to cleaners, sanitizers and soaps.


EucalyptusOil- Eucalyptus globulus another heirloom variety distilled in many regionsaround the globe and mentioned in the ancient scrolls as an agent for thwartingillness, this variety is also a good one for purifying the air by the use ofelectrical diffusers and steam pots on stoves.


LavenderOil- Lavender officinalis Vera, another anti bacterial, antiviral, andantifungal staple in Europe that also smells good.This one because of itswonderful relaxing aroma and gentleness on the skin is a great choice foradding 10 to 12 drops to your bath.


FiveTrees Blend, (Cinnamon, Clove, Eucalyptus,Lemon, Rosemary, Frankincense) Ablend of 5 Heirloom Varieties that create a strong line of defense againstbacteria, virus, andungus, diffuse it for air purification, use it in soaps andcleaners, must be highly diluted if used directly on skin because of its highpotency.


EasyBreathe Blend (Eucalyptus, Lavender, Peppermint, Clary Sage, Cedar) Besidesthese Heirloom varieties being a great line of protection against virus andother microbes these oils also help open nasal and bronchial breathingpassages. When congestion becomes a breathing issue we diffuse in the air, usein a chest rub and also add to cleaning products for sanitation.


AntiFungalBlend (Strong AntiViral action also, includes Eucalyptus, Lavender, Tea Tree)


Frankincense-Grown from the Middle East to Middle Africa and also in India and amazinglyeffective essential oil for many applications.


LavenderTea Tree Oil Blend- A simple blend of two of the worlds most favorite antiviralessential oils.


Youcan use Essential oils also to Make your own or enhance Hand and BodySanitizers


Althoughhighly effective and government approved, Brand Name Hand Sanitizer on StoreShelves are made to be antibacterial, In the current climate you may need toconsider having an antiviral Sanitizer for your, safety and protection againstvirus based illness that may break out in your local regiont.


Youcan create an effective antiviral Sanitizer by adding anti-viral essential oilsto any common Hand Sanitizer or Carrier Oil at a rate of 12-14 drops per oz oryou may consider adding the essential oils to 150 proof or higher alcohol.


Hereat Creation Farm We Highly Value the National population and hope Your Familiesstay healthy as we pray our regular Customers are. For a limited time we havereduced all the prices on these effective essential oils and necessary itemsacross the website as a community service initiative by 25% to ease the burdenof preparing your home for the potential seasonal illness outbreaks in ourcountry and may already be affecting your area..


Otherpractical Ways to utilize Essential Oils for AntiViral Protection and help keepyour home and family environment safe include:


Diffuseor Spray Mist Essential Oils throughout your living space to kill airbornemicrobes


Add14 to 20 drops per ounce of anti-viral essential oils to your householdcleaners to sanitize virus from household surfaces


Bathwith soaps that utilize Anti-Viral Essential oils for Soap Scents


Thisis a link to more information about the Antiviral essential oils and blendsingredients.-