
A receding hairline along with a bald scalp is enough to make a person disappointed. Hair loss or male pattern baldness may occur at any age and it always comes with various psychological problems. Experts of Nutrite Hair Transplant say that hair transplant in Mumbai is the only solution that is beneficial for the hair loss problem.
Why do they recommend only hair transplant?
Experts agree that the hair loss patients may get amazing results with the help of hair transplant surgery.
They have solid proof of this claim. The nature of male pattern hair loss is genetic. It means due to genetic coding in the body, the patients must face hair loss and nothing is able to stop the process.
Hair transplant in Navi Mumbai is a popular hair loss treatment in the field of hair restoration due to the capability of restoring your real hairs on the scalp.
The experts get successful results with the help of two main hair transplant techniques called Follicular unit transplant and follicular unit extraction.
During the procedure, the surgeon is expected to relocate the hairs grown on the back and sides to the recipient area. These hairs are believed to be baldness resistant. These hairs are going to grow in the new areas forever.
If you do not believe, we have a list of surprising results acquired after the hair transplant surgery.
Permanent solution:
This treatment is not similar to temporary treatments like using a wig because your own real hairs are transplanted to the bald areas. As mentioned above, these hairs are not affected by genetic hair loss. Thus, the results are permanent in most cases.
Natural treatment:
This treatment is carried out with the help of surgical steps without the involvement of any harmful procedure. Surgeons use the hairs from the scalp of the patient. Therefore, the treatment is free of any harmful reactions.
Aesthetic results:
Most of the surgeons, nowadays, have aesthetic skills with technical skills. In means, they transplant the hairs by considering the characteristics of your hairs like angle, color, texture, etc. moreover, they also consider your age to provide the best results.
Psychological aspects:
While a bald person uses a wig or any similar temporary idea, he does not feel satisfied since he knows, these ideas are not permanent cures for baldness. On the other hand, a patient, after the hair transplant surgery, feels totally satisfied since he knows he has obtained permanent hairs on his bald area.
Low maintenance:
This is also a reason for the popularity of hair transplant surgery. After the surgery, you need not maintain your hair like wigs. The transplanted hairs are your own and you can wear a hairstyle or haircut of your choice.
As you see, the results you get from the hair transplant are quite surprising since it is a common belief that genetic baldness is untreatable. If you are a hair loss patient, we invite you to have a look at our clinic for hair transplant in Andheri. Our experts are going to treat you with the utmost care and responsibility.