
Growing urbanization rates, infrastructure development, and concerns about greenhouse gas emissions are all driving the GCC And Levant LED And OLED Lightning Products and Displays Market
Growing urbanization rates, infrastructure development, and concerns about greenhouse gas emissions are all driving the GCC And Levant LED And OLED Lighting Products and Displays Market in the GCC countries right now. The UAE introduced new regulations banning incandescent lamp imports, and upcoming events such as the 2022 FIFA World Cup, government support for green building, and a ban on inefficient lighting technologies are other factors that will increase LED lighting demand across the major markets in the GCC. Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates are now the region's two largest markets for LED lights.
OLEDs have gotten a lot of interest from the scientific and industrial communities throughout the world over the years. A wide range of OLEDs have reached the market, with an emphasis on passive and active matrix solutions, and are finding applications in a variety of industries.OLED researchers are vigorously working to develop white OLEDs with a shelf life of more than 15,000 hours at a brightness level of 1,000 cd/m2. Moreover, flexible OLEDs enable more portable, lightweight, and indestructible gadgets.
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