
Flooring Installation Las Vegas
Creating inspiration with everystep is what GI Construction can bring you as you walk on your newly installedflooring. Our team’s flooring experts will help you make the best decision sothat you will be assured the design and material is exactly what you want.There is no team more experienced or more qualified to install your new floorthan GI Construction. Your satisfaction is our guarantee, and our team ofprofessionals will transform your home or office floor into the beautiful flooryou have always wanted.
Our flooring services include:
You can’t go wrong with tile whenit comes to Las Vegas flooring. Tile is not only perfect for our climate, buttile is also easy to clean and tremendously helpful with those who suffer fromallergies. Put your trust into GI Construction to help design and install theperfect tile flooring for you. We offer installation of all types of tilestarting with the simplest to the most luxurious: Porcelain Tile, Marble,Travertine, Mosaics, Granite, and Quartz. With so many beautiful styles anddesigns to choose from, GI Construction will help you pick out one that makesyour home unique.
Carpeting has many benefits inthe home, especially when it comes to providing comfort and warmth. Qualitycarpet provides years of durability and beauty. With so many varieties ofmaterials and color variations, carpeting can be the answer to any decoratingscheme, however, choosing the right carpeting can be challenging. Our team atGI Construction will work closely with you to make sure you’re happy with yourcarpeting choice and our installation goes smoothly so you can be enjoying yournew carpeting in no time.
Wood/Laminate Flooring
There is nothing more stunningthan new wood flooring in the home. But it’s important that your flooringprovides you with durability to last for years to come. With GI Construction,you can trust that we will devote our attention to every detail to make sureyour wood flooring is installed precisely as it should be, where you can startenjoying the beauty of your home’s new look.
In-Floor Heating Systems
Walking barefoot throughout yourhome in on a chilly evening or early morning hour can be unpleasant unless wefind our slippers quickly. However, GI Construction is pleased to offer ourclients in-floor heating system installations that can result in you throwingthose old slippers away! Warming tile, stone, concrete, wood, laminate andcarpeting can all incorporate in-floor heating systems to make toes stay warmand cozy.
Office: 702 508 1188
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kitchen remodeling designs, bathroom Remodeling Las Vegas, Flooring Installation Las Vegas