FFP2 protective respirator
FFP2 protective respirator
Olayer is a FFP1 FFP2 FFP3 Protective face masks, respirator, KN95, N95 mask manufacturer company in China, The best European Owner N95 FFP2 FFP3 NR face mask company in China. Contact Us Now!

FFP2 protective respirator

We are A China Protective Face Mask Company, we offer Chinese price with the best qualityPPE KN95 face mask, N95 face mask, FFP2 face mask, FFP3 face masks. If you arelooking for the original China PPE face mask company with guaranteed qualityfor every dust FFP2 protective mask you buy, I believe we are the best KN95/N95FFP2 mask company for you, contact us to get more detail about how we guaranteethe quality of every mask we offer you. Clickhere todownload our FFP2 face mask testing report according to EN149 standard, maxparaffin oil penetration is 1.3%, most of them are less than 0.96%.

FFP2EC Certificate According to EN 149 Mask Standard

Below is our FFP2 mask CEcertificate from the European Union approval CE company, body number is 0370,to safety we do not show our CE module C2 on our website, to protect our databeing used in a bad way, because if someone uses our CE certificate to showsome customer, and later on the customer may not get any mask or not have themask which meets our quality (poor quality provided from other suppliers butthis supplier had stolen our CE to use), that will hurt the customer, toprotect the customer have our real quality FFP2 mask to meet our EN 149 mask standard,so we will not show our module C2, if you need check our CE certificate, pleasecontact, we will send you by email.

FFP2 FaceMask

We are an FFP2face mask manufacturing company in China, It is Germany invertedFFP2 protective face mask manufacturer from Europe, offer wholesale the priceof FFP2 face mask respirators to Europe and the world, today we have twentyproduction lines (0.6 million ffp2 dust PPE protective face masks per day), butsoon we will have more production lines to meet the market needs, we can offeryou the wholesale price for KN95 mask, ffp2 face mask, ffp3, or N95 face maskrespirators.

Below is the detail of our FFP2 dust face mask respirators, according to EN149:2001+A1:2009 standard and EU CE certificate. There are a totalof six languages for the user manual, please see our user manual in our maskcaron box.

KN95 FaceMasks China Manufacturer

KN95 face masks are aparticulate-filtering facepiece respirator that meets U.S. standards. Thesemasks are designed to be resistant to oil and have a filtering efficiency of95%. They cannot protect the wearer against gases despite offering a tighterfit than the regular FFP2 masks. Even if they were originally designed forindustrial use, KN95 masks proved to be efficient for medical use as well asthey can protect the wearer against particles such as viruses.

DisposableFace Masks Manufacturer

We are a disposableface mask manufacturer from China, weproduce disposable face masks, N95 face mask respirator, ffp1, ffp2, ffp3 facemask respirators, kn95 face masks and sell to the world,  our FFP facemask passed EN 149 2001 +A1:2009 testing, please contact us to get moreinformation about our FFP2 face mask and disposableface masks.

The recent increase in demand for disposable face mask hasbrought about an increase in the number of the manufacturer ofthe product from around the world and the increase in the sensitization aboutthe importance of using the mask to protect against airborne diseases and otherunsolicited germs couple with the most recent coronavirus outbreak.

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