Experienced Breast Cancer Doctor and Medical Oncologist in Pune
Experienced Breast Cancer Doctor and Medical Oncologist in Pune
Consult for Breast Cancer, Ovarian Cancer and Cervical Cancer Doctor in Shastrinagar, Yerawada, Pune. Dr. Shona Nag Medical oncologist is an Experienced Cancer Doctor Visit Now

Experienced Breast Cancer Doctor and Medical Oncologist in Pune

Dr. Shona Nag, practises as a medical oncologist in Pune, in her practice in breast and gynaecological cancers, Dr. Shona Nag has made it a mission to encourage women to understand cancer better. Dr. Nag studied Medicine at Pune's BJ Medical College, followed by an Oncology Fellowship at Tata Memorial Hospital in Mumbai and St. George Hospital, Sydney. Currently, she is the Director of Oncology at Sahyadri Group of Hospitals, Pune, and a Visiting Medical Oncologist at the Breast Services in KEM Hospital, Mumbai. Through her entire prolific medical career, Dr. Shona Nag has been instrumental in helping patients navigate cancer better by pushing for newer facilities and radical new treatment approaches for better cancer care.

Along with her professional commitments, she is a strong believer of philanthrophy. Dr. Shona Nag heads the Nag Foundation, a non-governmental organization that focuses on cancer care, research, and cancer education in India.

This oncologist and a mother of two is a firm follower of Vedanta and believes in conscious living. She explains, “An Oncologist’s day at the office is one of the hardest professions in the world. You need to constantly maintain your zen and you can’t let anything affect your judgment and your personal life. Vedanta has helped me maintain this equilibrium and hence, it has made me a better doctor. This conscious living has given me a purpose to aid and serve others.”