
Exhibition Booth Design Company
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Booked an exhibitionspace at an upcoming show but are unsure how much the build will cost? Send usyour floorplan, basic requirements and timeline at hand and we can prepare aballpark estimate for you.
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Are you exhibiting ina new country for the first time? Do you need a design that is locally relevanton a global platform? We can submit a design which communicates your keymessage to your target audiences.
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Have a strategy inmind and want to sound it off? Exploring new geography and want to test themarket via an exhibition? Just want to discuss the viability of an experientialmarketing idea? Our experts can be of help to you.
Trade Show Case Study
AreL-shaped exhibitionbooth design layoutsa challenge for designers? Is the traditional rectangle booth the ideal space?If you ever had these questions about your trade show booth designs then read thisarticle to know how a custom exhibit made speciallyfor an L shaped booth can actually work to your advantage.
A Case Study : L-Shaped Exhibition Booths and
How to Design Them Effectively
L-Shaped Exhibition Booths and How to Design ThemEffectively
Manya times while booking an exhibition space, clients have to make the difficultchoice between selecting a square/rectangle trade show booth layout in an average location or a corner L-shaped booth space inan excellent location which expects more footfalls. So, how does one decidewhich of the spaces will give the correct ROI for the company and justify theexpense on the exhibitionbooth?
Whilemost seasoned exhibitors are well aware about how to use rectangle booths, theyoften fumble about how to effectively use a L shaped exhibition stand layout in designing.
Advantagesof L Shaped Trade Show Booth Layouts
1.You can segment your exhibitionbooth design space in such a way that one side can bedesigned for high-end customers, or for a complete lounge seating with aserving area, or even a product library and the other side can entertainwalk-ins and general queries with a simple reception counter and high tables.
2.If you have niche products that you do not want to showcase to the generalaudience at large you can keep one side of the custom trade show booth privateand ‘by-invite-only’ and the other side can be used to display generic productsand brand information
3.Since you have an L shaped exhibitionstand layout, 90% chances are that you are at a corner of theexhibition hall. Corners see the advantages of addressing 2 aisles withbranding. So it’s a good idea to take your fascia or even avail of rigging sothat your company branding can be seen from a distance.
Letus discuss a couple of L shaped booths and how they were designed
The exhibition booth design forCPHI WW client Nectar Lifesciences Ltd., was a unique one because of its Lshaped layout exhibitionstand layout. L-shaped booths have the main disadvantage of dividingthe booth into 2 parts such that each space looks smaller. To give an elementof continuity to the booth we have kept a continuous graphic that covers theentire exhibition booth.It gives a flow to the exhibitionbooth design and also unites it. The use of white colourmakes the booth look large, as white reflects light and gives the feeling ofbeing in a bright open space. The white is contrasted with a dash of the brandcolour orange and the brand element of butterflies that add an element of warmthand aesthetics to the space. Lastly, the branding is done such that itaddresses visitors from both sides. Also, care is taken not to make the fasciatoo bulky so as to retain the openness of the space.
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