
Harassmentin the workplace impacts People regularly. Sexual harassment often gets themost attention, but other forms of harassment can cause the same offense in theworkplace. Many types of harassment include ethnic or racial harassment, age,disability, or religious affiliation. Harassment hurts both staff and thecompany.
Ifan individual is unhappy or in trouble, performance may decline, and thebusiness struggles as a result. Harassment often builds up hostility andbitterness within workers. Given the rise of violence in the workforce,management will be keen to discourage any ill-will amongst workers.
Itcould involve jokes about a fellow employee being "young and dumb."And, for older workers, joking about being "as old as dirt" may behurtful. Jokes of Catholic priests or Rabbis can be offensive to thosepracticing the respective faiths. Jokes that play upon stereotypes are forms ofharassment.
Harassmentis not your supervisor being hard on you for struggling to fulfill expressedexpectations unless he or she treats you differently from others who have alsounderperformed.
Suchother types of harassment are also more difficult to confirm. When a personfeels harassed and confides to the boss, they will end up in a "he or shesaid" position where there will be no return. When the offending person isa particular favorite of management, it can lose the harassed employee of hisor her position or employment.
Anotherexplanation of such types of abuse is as prevalent as they can be plainignorance. Perhaps workers or employees at the workplace are not aware of thefact that they are truly offensive. Often they may believe they're just jokingand genuinely don't know how hurtful they are.
Thereare various training programs available that teach sensitivity to ethnic,cultural, and religious differences if management wishes to begin an awarenessprogram. This can eliminate many future claims of workplace harassment.
Acalm workplace environment can be a beneficial addition to any company if yourHR department or supervisor does not deal with the issue head-on, especially ifyou have evidence consult a Workplace Harassment attorney who specializes inthese types of matters.
Ifyou are looking for an accomplished, dynamic Workplace Harassment Attorney inSanta Ana, CA, look no further than the law office of Niral Patel Injury Law.We cover different types of cases and will be delighted to discuss yours duringa free initial consultation. You will be able to communicate with us about yourcase's specific facts. To schedule an appointment, call 1-805-748-9317 today!