
To order this 250+page report, which features 140+ figures and 170+ tables, please visit this -
Key Inclusions
§ A detailed assessmentof the current market landscape of endocannabinoid system targetedtherapeutics, providing information on phase of development (clinical,preclinical, and discovery stage) of lead candidates, target therapeutic area(s), route of administration (oral, topical, sublingual, oromucosal, inhalationand others), dosing frequency (once daily, twice daily, thrice daily andothers) and target receptor (CB1, CB2, TRPV-1 and others). Additionally, thechapter includes information on drug developer(s), including information onyear of establishment, company size, and location of headquarters.
§ Elaborate profiles ofprominent endocannabinoid system targeted therapeutics developers that areengaged in the development of at least four development programs. Each profilefeatures a brief overview of the company, its financial information (ifavailable), product portfolio and an informed future outlook.
§ An in-depth analysis ofnearly 600 grants that have been awarded to research institutes engaged inendocannabinoid system targeted projects, in the period between 2016 and 2020 (tillJanuary), including analysis based on important parameters, such as year ofgrant award, amount awarded, administration institute centre, funding institutecentre, support period, type of grant application, purpose of grant award,grant mechanism, responsible study section, prominent program officers, andtype of recipient organizations.
§ An analysis of thepartnerships that have been established in the recent past, coveringacquisitions, licensing agreements, product development and commercializationagreements, research agreements, clinical trial agreements, joint ventureagreements and other relevant types of deals.
§ A detailed analysis ofthe various mergers and acquisitions that have taken place in this domain,highlighting the trend in the number of companies acquired between 2016-2020,based on parameters, such as year of acquisition, type of acquisition,geographical location of the acquirer and the acquired company, key valuedrivers, and financial details of the deal (if available). In addition,the chapter evaluates the deal multiples of acquisitions specifically focusedon endocannabinoid system targeted therapeutics, analysing them based on anumber of parameters, namely annual revenues, number of employees andexperience of the acquired company. Moreover, it presents a schematic world maprepresentation of the geographical distribution of this activity, highlightinginter- and intracontinental deals.
§ An insightfulchessboard analysis highlighting the most popular drug development strategies /paths adopted by various drug developers (with clinical candidates) in order toprogress their lead drug candidates.
The report also features thelikely distribution of the current and forecasted opportunity across importantmarket segments, mentioned below:
§ Target DiseaseIndication
§ Cancer
§ Genetic Disorders
§ NeurologicalIndications
§ Others
§ Route of Administration
§ Oral
§ Inhalation
§ Key Geographies
§ North America
§ Europe
§ Asia-Pacific and theRest of the World
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Key Questions Answered
§ Who are the leading industryplayers in this market?
§ What are the key clinicalconditions addressed by endocannabinoid system targeted therapeutics?
§ What are the biological receptorstargeted by cannabinoid-based therapies?
§ What are the factors that arelikely to influence the evolution of this market?
§ What are the initiativesundertaken by start-ups and big pharma players engaged in this domain?
§ What kind of partnership modelsare commonly adopted by stakeholders in this industry?
§ How is the current and futuremarket opportunity likely to be distributed across key market segments?
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Gaurav Chaudhary
+1 (415) 800 3415
+44 (122) 391 1091