
Employee portal: how it helps you in the face of the Covid-19 crisis
The Employee Portal allows you to manage work processes efficiently; it is therefore a key tool for the Human Resources Department. This tool also covers the communication needs of workers with the company.
The advantages of the Employee Portal
The Employee Portal is a module integrated into the job portal script software. This tool allows the sending and access to information to the entire workforce, and guarantees assistance to workers.
Employees must be able to access information related to their relationships with the company, which is an essential ingredient to achieve a cohesive and well-coordinated workforce. The software used for this must be intuitive, modern and easily accessible.
The Employee Portal is an ideal solution that allows workers to solve their doubts and access the labor documents that affect them.
The main advantages of having an Employee Portal module integrated into the Human Resources management program are the following:
1 .Remote access
The telecommuting has increased a lot and will definitely be installed in enterprises. Many workers are telecommuting right now at home. And, although the lack of refinement progresses little by little, the reality of companies is changing and tools are needed to properly manage work processes.
Workers will be able to access their data from any mobile device or a computer with an Internet connection through the Employee Portal . In addition, thanks to teleworking they will be able to continue performing their functions.
2. Automation of administrative tasks
Workers request information on contracts, payroll, guidelines on their work, information on training courses, and certificates. The larger the template, the more administrative tasks this will generate.
The best way to streamline the management of the Human Resources department is to have a tool such as the Employee Portal with which workers can connect with a username and password. HR will thus be able to simplify and properly classify all data and information on the workforce.
This tool will make it easier to control the availability of work teams and improve shift planning.
3. Unification of HR management in the different headquarters
Human Resources management becomes very complicated when there are multiple locations and subsidiaries. This makes even more necessary a tool such as the Employee Portal that allows managing all headquarters and subsidiaries as a whole, unifying processes and allowing access to statistics and data on the entire workforce.
If these tasks depend on each site or branch, the integration of the data is much more complicated and with this the extraction of reports on the workforce is notably difficult. Unifying the data using a single software is therefore the most efficient.
4. Knowledge of the staff
A suitable tool allows access to statistics and data of workers, analyzes productivity and improves workforce management. Only by working with an integrated tool can we do good Analytics management.
It is necessary to have KPIs indicators for Human Resources to have a real overview of the workforce. When information is obtained from different sources, instead of opting for an integrated tool, it will considerably increase the work of the HR department.
5. Reduction of administrative errors
Through centralized management, we minimize the most common administrative errors. Emails with the wrong addressee, attachments that were forgotten; thousands of unnecessary emails from employees with questions that they could have resolved if they had access to an Employee Portal .
It is not necessary to continue doing so many routine administrative tasks, an HR management software frees that bondage by leaving time for the Human Resources team for other occupations. In these times, the HR department must focus on more strategic tasks, adapting to the changes that have occurred in companies and in the market. The objective should be the achievement of strategic goals and the management of human capital, on which the growth of companies depends.