Emissions Boost Case for Clean Energy
Emissions Boost Case for Clean Energy
The article talks about Emissions Boost Case for Clean Energy

Twofacts make clean energy unbeatable: associated with the and its friend climatechange.


Surethere are naysayers Shark vs DysonVacuum.Tx Gov. Ralph Perry was estimated as saying, “Scientists are ‘coming forwarddaily’ to disavow a ‘theory that remains unproven, ‘” in a twitter by NewHampshire Public Radio.


AndJames Delingpole on globalclimatescam. com sarcastically says, “It now seems thatMother Gaia may have a lethal new weapon up her sleeve: KILLER MUTANT SHARKS!!!inch


Whatever.Delingpole takes issue with a news item that indicates sharks may beestablishing to climate change. Good for the sharks.


Thankyou dawns


Here’sthe situation — continued and accelerated burning of fossil fuels not only tapsthe method of getting easy-to-extract oil but the evidence of its effectssupports. And sure, domestic coal is abundant. But blacken the heavens so thateven those who live in the country side can’t see regarding green kilometer ortwo, and proponents — even those who originate jobs, jobs, jobs — start to gothe way of voyager pigeons.


Firmsare needs to pay attention, and not just with top service. Sustainability hashad root in boardrooms across the globe, and investment in practices andtechnology that prevents devastation of the environment is rocketing upwardfaster than anybody thought possible.


Cheapoil is great. Canada’s oil sands are amazing. And that Bakken oil shaleformation under Parshall, In. D. could be a game changer — if we could somehowmove it off-planet and use its rich extracts on recently terra-formed andpristine Earth-like industrys.


Buthere we have to deal with a place that’s had more than enough in our rapid technologicalexcursion. If mankind continues to push the destruction thing, not only willthe economy failure, but most of us will get sick and die a long time before weget old.




GOPcontenders Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich sidestep the issue of clean energy onthe campaign trek. This, however, contrasts mightily with the mood of many inthe private sector, which Newt and Mitt say they support hands-down. Firms andsmall businesses are freely taking on the concept of sustainability, energyefficiency, waste reduction and even green biochemistry. It would appearcorporate boards and business owners see value in going green.


Romneypokes fun at Us president Obama’s support of green jobs, saying on his websitethat the president’s administration “seems to be operating more on faith thanon fact-based economic calculations. inch Romney says, “‘Green’ technologiesare typically far too expensive to compete in the marketplace, and studies haveshown that for every ‘green’ job created you can use more jobs destroyed. inch


Gingrichsays he would “finance cleaner energy research and projects with new gas andoil royalties, inch but then goes on to promote oil shale development and thedevastation of the You. S. Environmental Protection Agency. Hardly clean orgreen.