How to Choose a Good Visa Service Provider?
How to Choose a Good Visa Service Provider?
EMC is an Australia leading overseas education consultants with global presence assist aspiring students who want to study abroad .

How to Choose a Good Visa Service Provider?

How to Choose a Good Visa Service Provider?

While it is not a legal requirement in Australia to engage aregistered visa service provider, it is advised that you do. Isn't it alwaysbetter to engage someone who is qualified and really knows what they are doing,because your visa application can be a complex process - right?

There are many steps involved in obtaining a visa and youwouldn't want to make any careless errors. These could cost you dearly as yourvisa application may not be the best it can be; something you didn't mean todo, but did inadvertently anyway.

In Australia we normally refer to a Visa serviceprovider as a Migration Agent. These are experts that help people to obtaina visa to enter Australia. Most Migration Agents will be qualified and shouldbe registered with the Migration Agents Regulatory Authority.

What is the Migration Agents Regulatory Authority?

Australia has had some form of regulation in this industryfor a long time now. The official body is known as the Migration AgentsRegulatory Authority. The focus of the latest changes to the rules andregulations has been to remove the total self-regulationof the industry. This self regulation has caused distress to the representationof the industry, so many people haven't had put as much of their trust in theseprofessionals as the Government would have liked.

Deciding to migrate overseas is a life-changing decision. Itinvolves significant financial and emotional investments and it is vital theyhave confidence in the professionalism and integrity of their Migration Agent.

If you visit the MigrationAgents Regulatory Authority website, you will find heaps of information tohelp you. If you know of a executive visa service provider that you would liketo engage, you can do a search on the website and you will be able to find outif that person is registered or not.

As with most professions, there is a Code of Conduct thatwas established and monitored by the Migration Agents Regulatory Authority.