
DRONAMICS plans to roll out a global network of droneports allowing the Black Swan, which will run on 100 percent sustainable aviation fuel, to provide the critical missing “middle mile” in air freight.
DRONAMICS launches unmanned aerial vehicle for cargo Black Swan
December 8, 2021: Svilen Rangelov, Co-Founder & CEO and Konstantin Rangelov, Co-Founder & CTO, Bulgaria-based DRONAMICS unveiled the Black Swan, a new type of cargo-carrying unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) that can carry up to 350 kg for up to 2,500 km at up to 50 percent lower cost than any aircraft.
The Black Swan can operate from runways as short as 400 metres, unpaved, and will enable DRONAMICS to serve customers in even the smallest and most remote communities, an official statement said.
"No longer will anyone be forced to choose between low-cost road freight that can take days to deliver or fast air freight that is ever so expensive. Same day, affordable airfreight is finally here."
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