
The first thing that you need to understand when you take care of any type of bird is that you will take away its freedom. And that includes the freedom to move around a lot. A major part of a bird's lifestyle is flying around. For this reason, you must provide your bird pet with bird toys. Even parrots, though they do not fly around as much as other birds, need parrot toys to keep them active.
Now that you know that toys are very important for your parrot, you need to understand what benefits it will get from them. In this article, you will also find out what types of toys you will be able to find on the market as well as where is the best place to buy supplies for your pets from.
How Can Bird toys Improve the Life of Your Parrot?
There are 3 main ways through which bird toys can improve the life of your parrot. They will make your pet:
- Healthier. A bird closed in a cage has a much higher risk of getting sick. Its body will not be able to function as it would normally do in the wilderness and this will make it easier for your bird to get sick. This is why it is important to use toys and make your parrot move around and be more active. This will not only keep it in good shape but it will also reduce the risk of it getting sick.
- Happier. All animals can feel bored as well. This includes your parrot as well. By keeping it inside a cage without toys it is obvious how bored it will be. On the other hand, the effect of toys is similar to humans. This means that your parrot's mood will improve and he will be happier than before. Keep in mind that humans are affected by the moods of their pets, so a happier parrot will make you happier as well.
- Live longer. Keep in mind that a bird that is kept in a cage will have a smaller lifespan than a wild one. Of course, most of the bird pets live longer because there are no predators or dangerous situations inside the cages. But if you try and make everything in your power to make your parrot live in a way similar to its natural habitat, its lifespan will increase. Toys can be a very big help in trying to accomplish this.
What Parrot Toys Can You Find on the Market?
The diversity in parrot toys that can be found in the market is very big. This is why you will find them grouped in categories in most online shops. The categories can be based on:
- Size. As you know there are many different bird pets, and their sizes can differ greatly. For this reason, you will be able to find the toys grouped based on the size of your parrot. Keep in mind that if you have a small bird but it is still very young and you estimate that it will grow bigger, then it would be better to buy toys for the bigger size.
- Material. Yet again the variety of parrot toys is very big. The toys can be made from different materials which are also a criterion that online shop uses to group toys. You can find toys made from wood, plastic, metal, synthetic material, and even from concrete. All you need to do is to slowly make your choice.
- Purpose. Another criterion is the goal of the tools. You can find tools used for foraging, making your parrot use more effort to feed itself or toys for playing which will force it to move around the cage. Make sure that you use toys for as many purposes as possible.
From Where Should You Buy all Your Parrot Supplies?
You have two main options from which you can buy parrot supplies. You can buy from a street pet shop or an online one. Keep in mind that the most important factor for your decision should be if the shop cares more about money than pets.
There will be situations where you will need some advice about the best supplies for your parrot. And it will be much better to obtain advice from a shop that cares about pets more than money. This will ensure that the staff will not try to advise you to buy the most profitable product for them.