Digital Therapeutics Market Research Report, Forecast to 2030 | Roots Analysis
Digital Therapeutics Market Research Report, Forecast to 2030 | Roots Analysis
The Global Digital Therapeutics Market is projected to be worth over USD 8.8 billion by 2030, predicts Roots Analysis

Recentadvances in information technology and biomedical science have enabled thedevelopment of a number of versatile digital solutions that are capable ofeither mimicking or augmenting, the fundamental qualities of pharmacologicalinterventions

RootsAnalysis is pleased to announce the publication of its recent study titled, “Digital Health Market: Focus on Digital Therapeutics (2ndEdition), 2020-2030 (Based on Type of Solution (Software Solution, GamingSolution and Combination Solution), Type of Therapy (Curative and Preventive),and Purpose of Solution (Medication Replacement and Medication Augmentation”

The report features an extensive study of the currentmarket landscape, offering an informed opinion on the likely adoption of thesesolutions over the next decade. The report features an in-depth analysis,highlighting the capabilities of various stakeholders engaged in this domain.Amongst other elements, the report includes:

·       A detailed assessment of the current marketlandscape of companies engaged in the development of digital therapeuticsolutions.

·       A detailed product competitiveness analysisof key industry players for the most popular therapeutic areas taking intoconsideration the strength of product portfolio and key product specificparameters.

·       Elaborate profiles of key industry playersthat offer a several digital therapeutic solutions (shortlisted on the basis ofthe product portfolio).

·       An insightful competitiveness analysisfeaturing a four-dimensional bubble chart, highlighting the key players in thisdomain.

·       A detailed analysis of more than 220completed, ongoing and planned clinical studies of various digital therapeuticsolutions, based on the several relevant parameters.

·       An analysis of the investments made in theperiod between 2009 and 2020 at various stages of development in companies thatare engaged in this field.

·       An analysis of the partnerships that havebeen inked by stakeholders in this domain, in the period between 2008 and 2020.

·       A detailed analysis of the various businessmodels and go-to-market strategies adopted by companies involved in this space.

·       A Bowman’s Strategy Clock framework in orderto analyze the competitive position of various companies in the marketplace,taking into consideration the prices and features of their products.

·       An insightful discussion on the impact ofCOVID-19 pandemic on the overall digital therapeutic solutions market, and thekey initiatives undertaken by big pharma players.

·       A discussion on affiliated trends, keydrivers and challenges, under a SWOT framework, which are likely to impact theindustry’s evolution.

·       An informative analysis of contemporaryGoogle Trends in the time period between 2015 and 2020 (till July) and insightsfrom the recent news articles related digital therapeutic solutions.

Adetailed market forecast, featuring analysis of the current and projectedfuture opportunity across key market segments (listed below)

Typeof Solution

·       Standalone Software Application

·       Software Application + Device + PersonalCoach

·       Software Application + Device + AI Support

·       Software Application + Device

·       Software Application + AI Support

·       Software Application + Personal Coach

·       Other Types of Solutions

Purposeof Solution

·       Medication Replacement

·       Medication Augmentation

Typeof Therapy

·       Curative

·       Preventive


·       Business to Consumer (Patients andCaregivers)

·       Business to Business (Healthcare Providers,Payers, Employers and Pharmaceutical Companies)


·       Cardiovascular Disorders

·       Chronic Pain

·       Mental Health Problems

·       Metabolic Disorders

·       Neurological Disorders

·       Respiratory Disorders

·       Sleep Disorders

·       Substance Use Disorders

·       Others

KeyGeographical Regions

·       North America

·       Europe

·       Asia-Pacific

·       Rest of the world

Theresearch covers brief profiles of key players engaged in the development ofdigital therapeutic solutions; other popular industry players featured in thereport include:

·       Akili Interactive

·       Beats Medical

·       Big Health

·       Bold Health

·       Click Therapeutics

·       CureApp

·       dreem

·       Ehave

·       Ginger

·       Happify Health

·       inMotion VR

·       Kaia Health

·       Lark Health

·       Mahana Therapeutics

·       MindMaze

·       Noom

·       NOVOSI

·       Omada Health

·       Palo Alto Health Sciences

·       Pear Therapeutics

·       Vida Health

·       Welldoc

·       ZOLL Medical

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RootsAnalysis is one of the fastest growing marketresearch companies, sharing fresh and independent perspectives in thebio-pharmaceutical industry. The in-depth research, analysis and insights aredriven by an experienced leadership team which has gained many years ofsignificant experience in this sector. If you’d like help with your growingbusiness needs, get in touch at


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