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Organic Clothing | Organic Digital Fabric Print | Organic Fabrics
100% Organic Clothing and Organic Approved Digital Printing.Vertical Integrated Digital printing factory with GOTS approved.
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Pictures Portraying about the Safe Working Environment,Social duty and our Wonderful Workers, who's dexterous hands have done the bestof best to complete to give the appeal and magnificence of the textures andgarments you request from us.
Each Slides Shows the Peoples who are dedicated ordinarilyto make this awesome garments and textures
Vertical and Fully Integrated Digital printing unit,Approved ink and experienced
originator and Workers to deliver the best on the prints.
Article of clothing creation from Yarn to Packaging withcommitted workforce experienced all the more then 10 years.
We can give GOTS affirmed Digital printed texture asindicated by the clients needs. We invite your request on texture orders
The Era of Digital printing started with Reactive inks inTextile industry, The most adaptable ink for the Cotton and Cottonsubsidiaries, for example, Viscose, modular, Cotton poly, Which can be printedno sweat here. Every one of our colors and helper utilized here are OrganicApproved guidelines
The scope of responsive hues are as splendid as your texturecolored shades, Fastness is generally excellent with extraordinary
hand-feel. Anyway the procedure time of the printing islonger here because of different procedure included, for example,
The hang tight for the completing time is worth here. Bethat as it may, Minimum amount is somewhat extreme undertaking here. Our MOQ is10 Kilograms. Can ready to print around 400 Kilogram in a day with our in-houseoffice.
The Machine Specification as follow
1. No of Print head : 16
These 8 Primary hues can make around 16 million shading multiplicationin a precise yield.
3. Max printing width : 1800 MM
4. Max rehash size : Unlimited - Yes. You can make aboundless rehashes here
5. Creation : The Colors yield are splendid, yet we can havevarieties of about 10% from your examples to the mass, because of differentpost process required here, Steaming, washing are being done widely to evacuatethe unfixed hues. This can cause the minor departure from the creationgeneration with level of 10% varieties greatest
6. Confirmations : GOTS - Organic Certified
Working Video of the machine,
Remark and offer with your companions. Welcome to visit uswhenever.
The Latest and the most encouraging progression on theDigital printing is the PIGMENT Inks, Universally shade have no peril to theearth. digital printing on fabric services ThePigment inks in the ongoing years had accomplished a biggest stature as far ashues, lavishness, delicate hand feel, and amazing runnability in the Digitalprinting machines. All Dyes and assistant are Organic Certified
Color = FAST, Yes moment testing and creation is profoundlyconceivable with the Digital Pigment printing. As quick as your moment mug ofespresso, Once you have a decent work of art, in the blink of an eye, yourexamples are prepared.
We have 3 High speed Pigment computerized printing machineswith a creation limit of around 3000 Kilograms in a solitary day. digitalfabric printing service Which is in the same class as the speed of thenormal rotational printing. The quickest shade Digital printing machine inIndia.
The Pigment printing with Digital necessities theaccompanying methods.
1. Pre-treatment
2. Printing and Continuous Curing ( One Process )
Simply print and fix, your texture is prepared for cuttingas splendid as your receptive hues, with great hand-feel.
The Digital Printing upheaval began in about year 2005, Theupset began with an insane structure opportunity to the fashioner. Before longas the years advanced, it had becomes something increasingly like a screenprinting, Nothing new should be possible here, simply print with numerous hues.The market began to hinder a piece in late 2013 to 2015. All Dyes and assistantare Organic Certified
The New key development came in the year 2015, The NewHYBRID DIGITAL PRINTING came in the spotlight.
This specific development has changed the manner in which welook as the printing business. Breaking all the outskirts here effortlessly.
The best of the advanced printing joined with the best ofScreen printing, WOW is the word it comes out of each one mouth. Indeed. TheWOW factor is here. You join the screen print procedures, for example,
Macrofast / Sree Kanaga Durgaa Textile
Head office:-
22/41, Muthusamy 4th street,
odakaddu, Tirupur -641602
Tamilnadu, India
Sf No 408, Bajaj Building, 1st floor,
Near Gokul dyeing, Vettuvapalayam bus stop,
Somanur road, Mangalam Post,
Office :- 91-421-4240715
Mobile :- 91-09786044099 / 09626244222
Write us at