
Getting a safe abortion is the right of every woman if she doesn't wish to continue her pregnancy. This is done either with the surgical method or with the help of Abortion Pills. Nowadays, most women prefer to terminate a pregnancy with termination pills rather than opting for the surgical method. Numerous medicines will terminate a pregnancy, but there is one medicine that has proven its efficiency over the decade i.e. online Cytotec. This is the most popular medicine that is used in early pregnancy termination without causing further complication.
Cytotec pill is a brand product of generic Misoprostol medicine. This medicine has prostaglandin e1 properties. This medicine is used for several medical purposes. This is potent of causing contraction and labor, this termination pill is helping to treat stomach cavities, stomach ulcers, duodenum ulcers, etc. When you decide to use this medicine for pregnancy termination, you can use this solely or in combination with anti-progesterone medicine.
Dosing format:
While starting treatment for pregnancy termination Mifeprex should be administered on the first day. Misoprostol should be administered orally on the first day with a glass of water.
Cytotec should be administered on the second day. This medicine can be administered either sublingually or vaginally as interacted. Both of these methods are effective in pregnancy termination. While taking these pills sublingually, keep them inside the mouth and let them dissolve for at least 30 minutes. Once they are dissolved completely swallow them without water. If you are taking these pills vaginally, insert them in the vagina and push them to litter further inside. Make sure that you do not urinate at least for the next 30 minutes.
4 pills of 200mcg i.e. total of 800mcg dose should be taken when you use this medicine with Mifeprex. If you are using Misoprostol solely you will need 12 pills of this medicine to cease a pregnancy.
Side effects:
Just like any other Abortion Pill, Cytotec will also cause some side effects such as
- Nausea
- Cold
- Fever
- Vomiting
- Diarrhea
- Abdominal pain
- Sickness
- Fatigue
These are some commonly seen after-effects of this termination pill. These are short term side effects that will end with the termination process. If these get severe you can use other remedies to control them.
After successful administration of this Abortion Pill, you are likely to experience cramping and vaginal bleeding. These are the primary symptoms of the pregnancy termination process. These will start soon after administration of Cytotec and these will last for a few days. During this, a woman will experience blood clot as big as the size of a lemon. She may require 3-4 sanitary pads a day. The intensity of cramps depends on the gestation period of a woman's pregnancy.
Before you buy Cytotec online make sure to consult with your healthcare provider about any health issue if you have any. It is advised that a woman should stay away from sexual intercourse or any instance, physical activity that will apply too much pressure on the vagina and pelvis. Make sure to perform an ultrasound test to confirm pregnancy termination.