
Custom Trade Show Display
L-ShapedExhibition Booth Layouts in USA v/s Europe
CustomizedBooth, Trade show booth setup, Exhibit Systems, Trade Show Stands, Best tradeshow booth design, Trade show booth rentals in Las Vegas
Ifyou are exhibiting within the USA then it might be rare that you have to getan exhibitionbooth design made for an L-shaped exhibitionbooth layout. This is primarily because here theorganisers treat corners differently. Either they make them into temporarymeeting rooms that can be booked for one-on-one meetings during the tradeshow,or they make these corners as service areas.
However,if you are planning to exhibit abroad maybe in Europe or the Middle East orAsia, then you will receive a lot of floorplan options that have L-Shaped exhibitionbooth layouts.
Ifyou are a new exhibitor, chances are that you have not seen the exhibition hallin person. Hence designing the perfect orientation and plan for your exhibitionmight be a bit of challenge, and the irregular L-shaped booth might feel like adead-end.
If you keep the above 3 points in mind and work with agood exhibitionbooth design company thatunderstands the local rules as well as has experience at the venue, then youwill find it quite easy to work around your odd exhibition booth layout.
So, next time you have the choice of selecting anL-shaped exhibitionbooth layout in a high footfall locationagainst a normal rectangular booth in a lower footfall hall, do not hesitate toselect the L shaped space. It can be the highlighting factor of the booth andyou may even prefer it to rectangular booths in the same hall next year.
Also, if you need some expert advice while booking yourexhibition booth space or even after you have booked the space, you needsomeone to conceptualize, design and execute a stand design that is in linewith your brand imagery and trade show booth objectives thenget in touch with us. We are a global company that has offices in the USA,Europe and Asia. With extensive exhibition booth building experience acrossgeographies we understand the nitty-gritties of trade show booth design andbuild and can give you a stress free exhibition experience.
HappyExhibiting! Let us highlight some of the best practices you can adopt to ensure that youselect one of the best trade show booth design companies for your upcomingtrade show.
ExhibitRentals and SOL Brand Solutions Inc. are a part of SOL Group Worldwide which isa global business focused on providing branding solutions, digital solutions,exhibit rentals for tradeshows, display rentals for tradeshows, and custombooth designs for tradeshows. Having offices in USA (Las Vegas), Europe (France& Germany) and in Asia (India), we are a company that has a global presenceand local relevance. We can serve you at an event or trade exhibition anywhereacross the world.
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