
Close to 120 companies across the globe claim to possess the required expertise and infrastructure
Developmentinitiatives of HPAPIs and cytotoxic drugs are generally very demanding, both interms of experience and capital investment. Most companies generally lack thenecessary resources to meet the aforementioned requirements and are unable toset up dedicated HPAPI and cytotoxic drug manufacturing facilities. This hasled to an increased demand for contract manufacturing service providers in thisfield.
To order this 300+page report, which features 75+ figures and 150+ tables, please visit this -
The USD 25 billion(by 2030) financial opportunity within the HPAPI and cytotoxic drugs contractmanufacturing market has been analyzed across the following segments:
§ Type of Product
§ Highly Potent FinishedDosage Forms
§ Company Size
§ Small-sized
§ Mid-sized
§ Large / Very Large
§ Scale of Operation
§ Preclinical / Clinical
§ Commercial
§ Type of PharmacologicalMolecule
§ Small Molecules
§ Biologics
§ Type of Highly PotentFinished Dosage Form
§ Injectables
§ Oral Solids
§ Creams
§ Others
§ Key geographicalregions
§ North America
§ Europe
§ Asia Pacific
§ Rest of the World
The “HPAPIand Cytotoxic Drugs Manufacturing (3rd Edition)2020-2030.”reportfeatures the following companies, which we identified to be key players in thisdomain:
§ AbbVie ContractManufacturing
§ Catalent
§ Evonik
§ Formosa Laboratories
§ Intas
§ Lonza
§ MabPlex
§ Pfizer CentreOne
Table of Contents
1. Preface
2. Executive Summary
3. Introduction
4. Market Landscape
5. Company Competitive Analysis
6. HPAPI and Cytotoxic Drugs ContractManufacturers based in North America: Company Profiles
7. HPAPI and Cytotoxic Drugs ContractManufacturers based in Europe: Company Profiles
8. HPAPI and Cytotoxic Drugs Contract Manufacturersbased in Asia Pacific: Company Profiles
9. Partnerships and Collaborations
10. Recent Expansions
11. Capacity Analysis
12. Market Sizing and Opportunity Analysis
13. Case-In-Point: Contract Manufacturing ofAntibody Drug Conjugates
14. Concluding Remarks
15. Executive Insights
16. Appendix 1: Tabulated Data
17. Appendix 2: List of Companies andOrganizations
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Contact Details
Gaurav Chaudhary
+1 (415) 800 3415