Bryant’s lawsuit - Sanctions asked by Vanessa Bryant in lawsuit against Los Angeles County over body photos
Bryant’s lawsuit - Sanctions asked by Vanessa Bryant in lawsuit against Los Angeles County over body photos
Kobe Bryant, NBA legend as we know him died a very early as devasting death in a helicopter crash along with his daughter and several more citizens.

The NBA player was very loved and adored. So when he died in the crash, his wife, Vanessa Bryant requested to get the photos of her beloved and child to be private and not be shown into the world.

But as we very well know, a celebrity died and the media would do anything to get a glimpse or a picture of the deceased so they can make some profit out of it.

Media, as we know, is heartless so Vanessa made the sheriff, Sheriff Villanueva, promise to not let the photos of the deceased leak or get shown in the public but kept safe for investigation.

Bryant accuses the sheriff of impromptly sharing the pictures of the deceased even after requesting not to.Venessa had asked the sheriff to secure the area so nobody is able to capture the pictures of Kobe and their daughter but the sheriff was obligated to keep the photos, if there were any clicked.

An officer, Joey Cruz, had shown their pictures to a bartender and was also making his niece see it when she denied.

The bartender confirms looking at the photos and joey cruz showing them. But in defense, the officer says that he only showed them to the bartender and soon after deleted them.

This gave the lawsuit a blare up because now the had one officer confirming the show pictured. To defend himself, the sheriff says that the pictures were shared between the county for investigation and no other purpose and they soon deleted the pictures.

According to the county, “the photos were deleted after the request on 30th January 2020, months before the dispute even began”

Bryant is now suing the county for invading privacy and destroying evidence, from the crash photos to text messages after the crash.

She demands compensatory and punitive damages to punish the county department and “to make an example out of them to the community”.

Having to deal with all this after the loss of her child and husband, she sure is a strong woman but privacy should always matter no matter if they are celebrities or common people.
