
Redbridge International Academy is truly an international school Bangalore in every sense.Located in the IT capital Bangalore, Redbridge International academy has takeneducation to all new level.
Redbridgeadheres to international norms of education and promises to provide qualityeducation and all round development to its students. In this academy,world class educational setting along with various innovative teachingmethodologies give its students ample scope of scientific thinking andvisionary outlook.
Redbridge International Academy offers a unique curriculumthat adopts the best of national (CISCE – Council for the Indian SchoolCertificate Examinations) and international (CIE – Cambridge InternationalExaminations) standards up to Class 7.
RedbridgeInternational School, Bangalore is among the top Schools in Bangalore and BestInternational schools in Bangalore that has both days cumboarding school facility. Redbridge international school is a fully residentialschool & get the best value for your child and your investment in thechild’s important formative years.
Redbridge InternationalSchool in Bangalore campus has world class infrastructure.Redbridge International School is located near Electronic city Bangalore.Redbridge International School has both a day and boarding school. RedbridgeInternational School campus is spread over a 13 acre environmentally-friendly.Redbridge International School facilitates whole lists from learning such assmart boards to laboratories and activity rooms. Redbridge International Schoolfacilitates the seating capability to 20 in a particular classroom for theconvenience of students. Redbridge International School management prioritizes attentionto children attention by their respective teachers.
RedbridgeInternational Academy is authorized to offer both ICSE (Indian Certificateof Secondary Education) and IGCSE (International General Certificate ofSecondary Education, Cambridge UK) Curriculum. Redbridge is also accredited asan IB School and is authorised to offer the International Baccalaureate DiplomaProgram (IBDP). Redbridge International Academy is a truly Besticse school and igcse school in Bangalore. It has all thetop end facilities, programs and technology in academic pedagogy for thestudents of the next-generation, compared to other Boarding schools inBangalore. Redbridge International Academy provides plenty ofactivities to children such as field trips, mall outing day & amusementpark visits for children to enjoy the boarding life. There are also a lot ofopportunities to participate in competitions, matches, attend workshops andprograms with many top international schools in Bengaluru. RedbridgeInternational Academy provides excellent boarding facilities for children,keeping the needs of our diverse population on campus. Although the majority ofour students are day scholars, our hostel plays an important role for a fewfamilies.