
Best Doctor for Breast Cancer Treatment Hospital and Care Center in Pune
Some misinformation has led women to believe that chemicals in antiperspirants and deodorants can lead to breast cancer, there’s no evidence that this is true.
A study concluded that women who wore a bra were at no greater risk of developing cancer than women who did not wear a bra.
Breast cancer in men accounts for about 1% of all breast cancer cases (men & women combined) and about 0.2% of all types of cancers in men.
It’s always not necessary that a lump can cause breast cancer, there are other symptoms like Skin thickening or redness in or around your breast, breast warmth, and itching, nipple changes or discharge.
All cells including cancer cells require nutrients such as sugar to survive, but the microscopic requirement for sugar at the cancer cellular level is not directly linked to the sugar content of what we eat and drink.