
Additionally, there is a need to change the management style, nutritional strategy and maintain the health of the chicks to increase the production of Commercial egg layer chicken.
Hence, Today We Will Focus On Providing You With 15 Tips That Will Help You Make Your Farm The Best Poultry Farm In US…
1. Pullets may be raised in conventional cages. They can be floor raised as well. However, for an efficient production rate maintained throughout, you have to design an aviary pullet system. It will ease the transition from the pullet farm to the egg production facility. Many effective farms such as GoodPoultryFarm include such methods.
2. The birds that will be raised in an aviary system are more expensive. However, you have to keep in mind that it will be better for the birds if they adapt to additional movement, freedom, and space afforded in the cage-free system.
3. Introduce your birds to their new environment one to two weeks before they start laying eggs. Birds should be moved to the cage-free system at least two weeks before they initiate their lay. Moreover, keep in mind that it is no later than 17 weeks of age.
4. Let the birds be free because it will allow them to become familiar with their new surroundings. Moreover, it will help them adapt to the nesting system before they start laying eggs.
5. Keep in mind the nutrient supply of the birds because that will directly impact their ability to produce eggs.
6. The delivery of nutrients in the case of cage-free layers will be very different from the caged-laying chicks. That is why you have to take help from the experts to develop their nutrient intake accordingly strategically.
7. Did you know that the birds on the free-cage system need higher completion for feeds because of their additional movements? More energy is utilized daily. So, you have to generate a balanced nutrient intake.
8. Always maintain the energy to protein balance.
9. You have to keep in mind that you have included digestible amino acids to help you achieve the body weight target and proper frame development of the birds.
10. Along with that, you have to increase the amount of feed or the energy content of the diet.
11. Limit the feed wastages.
12. By designing their intake, you will achieve more uniform body weights.
13. Keep in mind to provide adequate feeders and feeding s0axe so that the birds can access the food properly.
14. Flock uniformity is an issue, so distribute the feed across multiple locations.
15. Always offer smaller meals at frequent intervals.
Ending note:
Normally, the nutritional and health programs developed for the conventional cage system require re-evaluation to account for the changes in bird welfare and productivity. Follow the tips above to get a profitable business. Moreover, it will ensure a healthy production for your farm, which will make it the Best poultry farm in the US.