
arket from 2019 to 2027.
The increasing use of polyacrylamide as a thickening agent, absorbent, flocculent, and in secondary oil recovery is expected to drive growth in the global polyacrylamide market from 2019 to 2027. The use of polyacrylamide to separate macromolecules with varying molecular weights is also expected to provide significant growth opportunities in the global market. Water pollution is one of the world's most serious problems. According to the World Health Organization and UNICEF, one in every three people worldwide lacks access to safe drinking water. These statistics highlight the importance of wastewater management and better curbs to prevent water pollution.
Because of its increasing use in paper manufacturing, wastewater treatment, and oil recovery operations, anionic is a dominant segment of the Polyacrylamide Market. Anionic polymers have a high polymerization level and a high molecular weight. It has adaptable properties such as flocculation, thickening, shear, drag reduction, dispersibility, and so on. Furthermore, anionic is cost-effective, which contributes to its widespread use in the industry. As a result, it is primarily used in oil recovery, mineral processing, metallurgy, chemicals, paper, cloth, and other industries. Lockdown and quarantine measures imposed to combat the COVID-19 pandemic have limited manufacturing facility production and supply, negatively impacting the global polyacrylamide market. Polyacrylamide transportation costs increased due to shipping delays by all major carriers worldwide.
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