
Apheresis equipment is a medical device which receives blood removed from the patient and/or donor's body and separates it into its various components, such as platelets, plasma, red blood cells, and white blood cells. Within an instrument that is essentially designed as a centrifuge, the components of whole blood are separated. One of the separated portions is then withdrawn and the remaining components are re-transfused into the patient or donor. Apheresis equipment can be used to collect donor blood components or for the removal of parts of the blood that might contain disease-provoking elements. These equipment are used to treat blood cancer and a range of other blood disorders/illnesses.
The Global Apheresis Equipment Market is estimated to account for US$ 2,866.4 Mn in terms of value in 2020 and is expected to reach US$ 6,081.8 Mn by the end of 2027.
Apheresis is a blood purification procedure performed for blood donation component or for the treatment of disease. It is a technology that separates donated blood components to treat certain illnesses. In apheresis procedure, the centrifuge therapeutic devices are used to separate desired blood components from the donor’s blood. These blood components are separated based on their characteristics. Apheresis is often performed on donors where whole blood is centrifuged to obtain individual blood components. When apheresis is performed for patients, one of the separated portions is withdrawn when it is affected by disease, and the remaining components are then re-transfused back to the patient.
Apheresis is a medical technology in which blood is passed through an apparatus that separates the components of the blood and then returns them to the circulation. This process is known as extracorporeal therapy. It is an excellent way to treat individuals with various blood disorders. During the process, a unit of whole blood is drawn from a donor and placed into an instrument called a centrifuge. The blood is separated into components called platelets, erythrocytes, and plasma. The components are stored for use in the medical field, and are re-transfused back to the patient after illness, surgery, or chemotherapy. Apheresis can even become self-supporting business for a physician's practice.
Since apheresis is so popular, it is also becoming more accessible and widely used. Apheresis procedures have been used in the treatment of many illnesses, and often without scientific basis. Though the number of publications related to the treatment has increased in recent years, the number of randomized controlled trials has declined. The reason is that many available studies lack adequate power to draw conclusions. Apheresis equipment can help people suffering from several diseases, such as leukemia, multiple sclerosis, and hemophilia. Several hematologists and oncologists recommend the process to help patients with various disorders. However, there are many other applications of apheresis.
Apheresis procedure is performed for various diseases, such as cardiovascular, neurological, renal, hematological, autoimmune, and other diseases. Centrifuge therapeutic equipment and membrane filtration equipment are some commonly used apheresis equipment. The centrifuge therapeutic equipment is used to separate blood components from the whole blood, and are also used to perform therapeutic plasma exchange, remove plasma components/fluids, and perform red blood cells exchange. Centrifugal and membrane apheresis operate on different physical principles but are both capable of efficiently fractionating plasma proteins from whole blood. Thus, there is an increasing demand for apheresis equipment worldwide.