All You Should Know About Kossler Real Estate in Astrabudua
All You Should Know About Kossler Real Estate in Astrabudua
If you have reached this page, it is because you are interested in a flat in one of the developments (Mirador de Kossler, Kossler Barria, Kossler Atea) carried out on the grounds of the old Kossler factory in Astrabudua; or perhaps you have already bought one of them.

Ifyou have reached this page, it is because you are interested in a flat in oneof the developments (Mirador de Kossler, Kossler Barria, Kossler Atea) carriedout on the grounds of the old Kossler factory in Astrabudua; or perhaps youhave already bought one of them.


Ineither case, you should know that the developer is committing serious abuses ofauthority, which you will be able to learn about later from an affected party.


Whyis this important?


Thequality memory is the master document on which everything revolves, especiallyin flats that are bought off plan. If, for example, you buy a property in whichthe interior walls must be made of double-layer Pladur with an interior airchamber, with an X thickness in each layer (because that is what thespecifications say) and when they give you the keys to the flat, you enter andcheck that they are made of single-layer Pladur and of a much lower thickness,you can claim this change on the basis of what the specifications say.


Thesame happens with other "more visible" aspects. The quality reportdoes not detail the type of wood to be used in floors, skirting boards orwardrobes, nor in the latter case its interior distribution. Nor does it saywhich brands and models of electrical appliances, or even what they are: is thedishwasher an appliance? Well, it doesn't say so in the specifications. Therefrigerator? No, it doesn't.


Althoughthe contract of sale of the apartments says that the notary designates theselling party (i.e. them), the reality is that the law recognizes that thenotary designates the buying party, and without a doubt you should do so.


Asit was said at the beginning, visit my web so that you can continue learningfrom the hand of an affected person. For more visit




TartangaKalea, 13