Acoustic Guitars - The Magic of Mahogany
Acoustic Guitars - The Magic of Mahogany
When you are buying a guitar it is important to consider certain factors. At the end of the day you are wanting to produce a sound that resonates with you.

-A beginner’s guide to your first mahogany acoustic guitar -

When you are buying a guitar it is important to consider certain factors. At the end of the day you are wanting to produce a sound that resonates with you. By nature, an acoustic guitar is an instrument that is felt as much as it is played. There is a soulful quality to its sound and acoustic guitars come in all shapes and sizes. One of the important things to consider is the material that your guitar is made out of. Typically, an acoustic guitar is made out of wood and in this article, we will look at a few of the different kinds of woods and see why an all mahogany guitar might be your best choice. 

Up to nearly 90% of an acoustic guitar’s body is made of wood and the type of wood can have a significant impact on the sound. “Tonewood” is the type of wood used to produce the tone, and there are a couple of different tonewoods out there. If you are looking to buy a guitar, then you need to understand what each wood offers and how it can impact your sound. For example: Spruce wood is a highly popular choice due to its loud, rich tonal notes. Rosewood has more reverberation and a mid-range tone while Maple is heavier sounding clearer than other woods. The wood that I would like to focus on is mahogany and give you a few tips when choosing the best of all mahogany acoustic guitar

Mahogany is a medium lightweight wood and is popular because of quite a few aspects. Grown in Central America it can be found just below Brazil and Bolivia. The mahogany tree is so iconic that the country of Belize has made it their coat or arms. It is a beautiful tree and it makes for a beautiful instrument. The wood color ranges from a light to dark brown and has hints of red running through. The tone of a mahogany is balanced with quite a resonant sound. Mahogany produces a more balanced, warmer note. The feel of mahogany in the neck of a guitar can also add to the overall feel and control. Mahogany is one of the most balanced tonewoods and is great for all levels of musician.

The great thing about acoustic guitars is that they can last for a long time, if you take care of them. If you are looking to buy your own you can easily find sellers online. Remember, a better guitar will not necessarily make you sound better but craftsmanship is very important. If you are looking for a handmade acoustic guitar for sale, then start asking around or get on the web. It is an investment for life and if you do decide to get a guitar, why don't you try the magic of mahogany. 

In the beginning you may not be overly concerned with the specific types of wood but when you start to get more adept and you start to find your own personal style and sound these little differences can be very important.