5 Reasons It’s Great To Work In heavy industry
5 Reasons It’s Great To Work In heavy industry
The heavy industry is one of the largest and most important sectors of the Canadian economy. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, there were an estimated 12.3M people employed in the heavy Industry

The heavy industry is one of the largest and most important sectors of the Canadian economy. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, there were an estimated 12.3M people employed in the heavy Industry Sub-Sector in 2018 with a 1.17% year growth. It also estimates for a similarly great piece of the workforce — the industry employs 10 percent of the country, making it the 3rd largest industry in terms of jobs.

But what is it like for the millions of people who work in the industry? The truth is, it’s pretty fantastic. Here are some reasons why:

1. Contributing To The Economy

The manufacturing industry helps support the global and federal economies, as well as families.

Research shows that the construction industry is ranked among the most important industries in maintaining a strong economy.

Research also shows that manufacturing has the highest multiplier effect of any other major sector. Every dollar spent in the automotive industry contributes another $1.81 to the economy, allowing the industry to add nearly $2.2 trillion to the economy.

Manufacturing is having a big impact on jobs, livelihoods, and the economy. That’s something to be proud of.

2. On The Cutting Edge

We’ve talked about this at a time before, but construction has always been on the cutting edge of technology. adopting new technology long before the public gets their hands on it. And, for all the tech-heads in the industry, that is the best reason to get up and go to work each day. It’s good to be ahead of the curve.

3. Exciting Sectors Of Work

For some, relaying parts about their jobs may be met with disinterest and indifference. But that’s not the case for that information who can regale friends about developments in aerospace, share the latest in food with families over Thanksgiving dinner. With so much excitement within the industry, you’ll have plenty of awesome information to share with that outside of it.

4. It’s Totally Safe

A huge myth the industry has been struggling for decades is how unsafe Industry is. And for a long time, it was a high-risk career path troubled by chemicals, tools, and other hazards. But we’ve come a long way. Robots are making our jobs safer, and technology like the Internet of Things and automation keeps us out of harm’s way. We are working smarter, and safer, than ever before.

5. Room To Grow

Once you choose a sector to go into, there are plenty of options for your career path. From agriculture jobs and distribution, the possibilities seem endless. And as the baby boomer generation begins to retire, leadership opportunities will be available for the next generation in Heavy Industries Jobs to take the reigns. Manufacturing jobs offer a ton of entry-level positions. Most companies offer on-site job coaching, which is perfect for recent graduates or those looking for a complete change from their day-to-day, so there is always room to grow and advance your career.

Get Started With A Career In Manufacturing

Looking to start a career in the industrial sector? Learn how to land your dream job in the industrial sector with these 4 steps. Now is the perfect time for your next career move. It’s an employee market right now and businesses are competing for better talent than ever before. For more manufacturing career advice, check out our Career & Workforce Insights page.