5 legit ways to make money online :-
5 legit ways to make money online :-
5 legit ways to make money online :-

5 legit ways to make money online :-

5 legit ways to make money online :-

5 legit ways to make money online

5 legit ways to make money online,If you want to make money online, you’ve got plenty of options. Almost too many.How do you start? Do you really need your own website, or can you make extra money on the fly? And more importantly, which approach will be best for you based on your current work and family circumstances? You might be closer to your next stream of income than you think.

here are the 5 legit ways to make money online

1.Provide Online Services:-

Providing a service usually splits out into one of three subcategories, which can be defined as follows:

  • Freelancing: You’re doing the work on behalf of your client.
  • Consulting: You are making recommendations on what the client should do next, based on your expertise and experience.
  • Coaching: Similar to consulting, but in coaching your goal is to help the client become proficient in doing it themselves.

Let’s say I am a certified nutritionist who has a day job, and I want to offer my expertise in my spare time to people who want to quit caffeine and have better energy levels throughout the day. Here are the different ways I could provide this service, according to the subcategories above:

  • Freelancing would be the most hands-on: Perhaps I’m ordering my client the supplements or multivitamins they need, or if they’re local I’m doing their meal prep for them and delivering it to their home.
  • Consulting would be the least hands-on: My client would keep a food log, I would review it, and then we could hop on a call together where I make recommendations on what to tweak.
  • Coaching would include consulting in this case, but would also provide continuing guidance and support as your client becomes self-sufficient at adjusting their own nutrition. Some people are happy to pay a premium in order to have you, a professional, in their corner for encouragement and accountability.

Freelancing, consulting, and coaching are all great options for professionals who already have a full-time job or established career. If you feel stuck on how to make money online, consider focusing on knowledge or skills you already have.