
Keeping Your Whole Family Smiling
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5 Fun Facts About Me – Dr Meagan Bennett,
Ancaster, ON DentistHi, I’m Dr. MeAgan Bennett and today I’m going to tell you five interesting facts about me.
#1: I love sports. I played every single sport in high school. I played basketball, volleyball, I was on the track and field team and the cross-country team. I played every single sport. I love them all. I never really had a favorite sport actually.
#2: I love tacos. My favorite food is tacos. It’s always been tacos. I search Hamilton, Ancaster, Toronto… I go looking for tacos. Everybody who knows me knows I love tacos, and they send me taco memes and taco jokes.
#3: I love rap music. My favorite music is hip hop and rap, and my favorite artist is 50 Cent.
#4: I love playing musical instruments. I play guitar and I play the piano. As a kid, I was in a marching band. I was in the International Canadian Tattoo, and I played glockenspiel with a marching band. And we even had our own CD.
#5: My middle name is Blanche. I didn’t know how to spell it as a kid so I stole my sister’s middle name, which was Rose until the teacher called home and informed my mother.
And that’s it! That’s five addressing facts about me. Now that you know about me… I’d love to know more about YOU! Click here to get started.