
We have the Jane Austen novels to prove that. Jeez things were tough. Thanks to technological advancements (and colonization LOL), there has been a cultural revolution and now everyone has a variety of choices to choose from. Is this for the better? Eh that’s debatable. But on the bright side, dating and socialization have become more acceptable thanks to apps like Tinder, Her and Bumble.
Statistics say there are around 5.9 million Tinder users around the world. This goes to show two things.
People have become open to online dating. Even in conservative countries like India. This is what Taru Kapoor, the head of India business for Tinder and Match Group has to say - “Indian society has seen a rapid cultural evolution over the last decade, accelerated by the widespread access to technology, especially smartphones."
This acceptance has made way for profitable business ventures. Yes I'm talking about you reader. If you’re an aspiring entrepreneur, we suggest you dab your feet in these waters and choose INORU for your Tinder clone app development.
Now that we’ve established that going down this route is sure to get your pockets heavy, let’s look at the features you need in your Hingle clone app to make it a trend setter.
User friendly interface - make sure your app has features like social media login, profile creation, uploading pictures and messaging with push notifications. These features are usually found in social media apps and will make using this app more enjoyable.
Filters - let’s face it, as fun as dating apps are, it’s better to know who your date is before taking the first step and to ensure that happens, make sure the app comes with In-App questions that help users find their potential dates based on age, location and hobbies. Add an option for them to view users’ past dating experiences to make a prudent choice.
Virtual gifts - relationships are hard and everybody makes mistakes. So make sure your OK Cupid clone app comes with options for users to send gifts which can be paid for by a Multi-Payment integration built in the app.
Templates - Include a variety of templates for the users to update their profiles to match their personalities.
Face detection - there are many frauds out there and to make sure the user is talking to a real person, your Happn Clone can have a smart feature like face detection.
When it comes to interesting features, the more the better. And you can make customizations including the above mentioned features by partnering with us at INORU, a dating app development company who will deliver high quality applications worked on by experienced developers. Partner with us to make your Tinder Clone App a success.