
There are books online to start reading such as Poor Dad, and Rich Dad, or just search for the ‘best books for real estate beginners’. About entering or taking a course, try to search for those courses with reviews so that you can have some feedback or overview if it is good to go. You can visit AQQIRE to be around the people you should get used to such as real estate agent, real estate agent broker, potential buyers, and more. It is a multi-faceted platform so it is good to give it a try. Learn from different points of view so that you may know every angle and different perspectives.
See where you are going by deciding which niche or kind of real estate you are going to invest in. Is it commercial? Industrial or residential real estate investing? What location or kind of community? Make sure that the State is great for your real estate investment. As well as knowing their laws because there are different laws in every State. And if you start doing this business, make sure for more exposure using different sites like online listing sites like AQQIRE and social media tools for more advertisement and positive returns or ROI.