
Relationship between Anxiety and ADHD
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and Anxiety both are different concepts but interconnected at some point. ADHD is caused due to neurological dysfunction in various brain structures while anxiety is an emotion or unpleasant state of mind caused due by excessive worry, stress, or fear which results in various health issues. Both conditions fall under mental disorder or illness.
ADHD is a broad mental health issue with which anxiety and other mental health disorders may also arise. ADHD comorbidities frequently with other mental disorders and illnesses such as anxiety, sleep disorder, epilepsy, restless leg syndrome, autism spectral disorder, etc. According to a survey of the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, almost 60% of adults and 30 % of children who are diagnosed with ADHD also acquire anxiety in their lifetime.
Having ADHD with anxiety worsens your condition. Symptoms of anxiety almost cover under the symptoms of ADHD so it is difficult to identify whether you have only ADHD or also have anxiety with it. Common symptoms of both disorders include a feeling of restlessness,
difficulty in concentration and paying attention, and behavioral problems such as fidgeting, lack of impulse control, etc.
ADHD and Anxiety similarities and difference in Children
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a neurodevelopmental, behavioral, and mental disorder. ADHD and Anxiety are also inheritable disorders meaning genetic disorders. In children, an environmental factor also causes ADHD such as exposure or intake of toxic and abusive substances. Social issues or factors such as peer pressure also cause anxiety and ADHD in children.
Due to ADHD children suffer difficulty to execute their daily work routine such as organizing their work, inability to concentrate, trouble in thinking that makes them stressed and anxious which leads to mood disorder. Chronic stress due to ADHD symptoms leads to anxiety in children. Anxiety is of two types short term anxiety and long-term anxiety. The behavioral and emotional changes of every child are different.
Some children try to seek and want so much attention while others want to be negligible and quiet.
Sign and Symptoms Of ADHD Found In Children -
Become Argumentative
Show Irritable behavior
Doing nonsense and clowning in class
Speaking lie
Difficulty in listening to and following instructions.
Playing too many games and watching videos
Academic difficulties like failing in organizing and completing the task.
Showing Inactivity and wanting to remain alone.
Trouble in sitting.
Do not engage with people, play, and in any type of activity.
Symptoms of Anxiety commonly found in Children -
Shortness of breath
Itchy skin
Fear of trying a new thing
Urinary urgency
Overlapping Symptoms of ADHD and Anxiety with their key differences -
It is important to diagnose whether the symptoms occur because of anxiety, ADHD, or by both such as-
Having trouble paying attention occurs in both conditions but the cause of inattention is different. In ADHD it is caused due to variation in brain structure and functioning that affect focus. Anxiety causes worries, fear, and different thoughts that are going on in the mind result in distraction.
Fidget constantly- in ADHD tapping the foot non-stop is caused due to uncontrolled impulse action and hyperactivity while in anxiety tapping of the foot during school hours is due to nervousness.
Undone assignments- due to ADHD children are unable to plan and execute their work and often forget while due to anxiety they become too anxious to ask for help if they are stuck anywhere which results in incomplete work.
Difficulty in making friends- Children suffering from ADHD have impulsive behavior that might be annoying or irritable due to which friendship does not work long-lasting. In anxiety, children have fear of the social situation and trust issues to make friends.
Diagnosis Of ADHD and Anxiety in Children
If in children at least six symptoms of inattentiveness or hyper activeness have remained for more than six months that affect at least functioning of two settings such as poor performance in school, home, social, or work then it is a sign of concern and needs proper treatment.
Keep on proper screening and visualization on your child, teen behavior regularly if any serious deviation is observed then immediately seek a doctor’s concern and start taking proper treatment procedures.
IQ test performance is also a diagnosis method of ADHD in children.
Some Common Treatment and Effective Measures to Fight Against Anxiety and ADHD
Initial, helpful, and effective treatment of your child is started from home. Ask your child if something wrong is happening or he/she has any difficulty and trouble in doing anything.
Parent management training.
Do not show anger on them, talk to them in a very calm and soft manner.
Try to help them to cope with their mental problems.
Behavioral therapies.
ADHD and Anxiety medication for treatment are also helpful in children.
How to identify ADHD and Anxiety in Adults?
Adults also have the almost same diagnosis and symptoms. Approx 2 to 5 % of people acquired ADHD in adulthood. Mainly ADHD is caused in childhood and remains in adulthood. According to a survey, about 60% of children in the United State become adults with attention deficit hypertension disorder.
By self-imaging, one can easily diagnose ADHD and Anxiety.
If at least five symptoms hindered the performance of two settings in adults or those who are greater than the age of 17 then you must visit the doctor and follow the proper guidelines and treatment measures prescribed by them.
Risk Factors Faces By Adults due to ADHD and Anxiety
Relationship and job problems
Become drinkers and substances abuser to cope with the situation.
Thoughts of suicide
Bipolar disorder may bs develop
Panic disorder
Become short-tempered
In males, impotence can also be caused due to anxiety.
Some medical conditions that can cause ADHD and Anxiety in Adults
Seizure disorder
Hearing deficits
Hepatic disease
Sleep apnea
Drug interactions
Untreated celiac disease
Head injury
ADHD and Anxiety Management and Treatments In Adults
Adopt a healthy lifestyle.
Do meditation and exercise.
Cognitive and behavioral therapies.
Take the help of a psychiatrist.
Take proper 8 hours of sleep at night.
Talk to your friend and family about the disorder for their support and help.
Take proper medication treatment such as stimulants, antidepressants, or beta-blocker medicines.
ADHD and Anxiety in females
Mechanism of ADHD and anxiety are mostly the same in all individuals whether they are men, women, or children there are only some little differences present among all. In comparison with males, females are more generally affected by mental illness as they suffer more pressure from society but according to the center for disease control and prevention, males are generally more susceptible to ADHD than females because females are mostly underdiagnosed.
In females mainly ADHD symptoms of inattention, distractibility, and emotional dysregulation, low self-esteem, inadequacy, impatience are observed. They show fewer signs of impulsivity and hyperactivity.
As females put their rage and pain inside them so they are more easily affected by anxiety and the risk factor of depression and eating disorders are high in them.
Pregnancy is also a factor that influences anxiety and ADHD in women.
Women are mostly affected by hormonal changes which also cause the symptoms of anxiety.
In females, dyspareunia is also an anxiety symptom.