
Why do we feel pain?
In simple words, pain can be described as an uncomfortable and distressing feeling that may occur at a specific position(localized pain) or even in the whole body(generalized pain) due to intense or damaging stimuli. It makes you unpleasant and ranges from annoying to deliberating conditions. Pinching, stinging, burning, sore, or throbbing are some signs of pain.
Tolerability and deepness of pain depend on different parameters such as tissue-damaging, stretching of muscles due to exercise or heavy workload, stress, flu, or any other health condition or disease. Generally, people have different pain tolerant capabilities. Pain can consistently develop suddenly, can occur periodically, may occur only under some specific conditions, or can be started or stopped frequently.
Different people have different tolerability of pain. Pain is mainly divided into three categories that are acute, sub-acute, and chronic. If the feeling of discomfort or pain goes out within six weeks that results from injury, illness, or medical procedure then it is categorized under acute pain if the pain lasts between six to twelve weeks it then it falls under the sub-acute pain category and if pain exists more than twelve weeks or have an ongoing sensation that repeated over several months and year that results from health issues such as chronic migration, fibromyalgia or severe injury then it is known as chronic pain which needs proper treatment.
Uses of medication in pain management
Many underlying causes of pain are unknown but, do not worry as there is much medicine available according to your pain type. One such medicine is Percocet which gives relief from moderate to severe pain. Percocet is a brand name of two combined drugs namely oxycodone and acetaminophen. Oxycodone is an opium derivative, has an analgesic effect means it gives you relief from pain whereas acetaminophen (commonly called paracetamol) is a non-opiate, analgesic, and antipyretic drug which means it gives you relief from pain as well as reduces fever. Percocet is a powerful medicine for the treatment of pain.
Side effects of Percocet
As we all well know, all medication has some side effects. This medicine too has its side effects like dizziness, nausea, problems in the alimentary canal, an unusual feeling of happiness and sadness, dark urine, vomiting, euphoria, hypertension, hepatic problems, etc. People respond to Percocet differently as the tolerance levels of different individuals are different. So it is advised to take medication as suggested by your pharmacist or doctor or written on the prescription label.
Percocet Tablet availability information
It is available in different power which contains the different compositions of the two drugs and also has different colors and shapes such as 2.5mg/325 mg (means it contains 2.5 mg oxycodone hydrochloride and 325 mg acetaminophen) has a pink color and oval shape, 5mg/325mg has blue or white color and has a round shape, 7.5mg/325mg has peach or oval-shaped, 10mg/325mg ha white and round shape or yellow and capsule shape.
Dosage schedule of Percocet tablet
An adult person is recommended to take two tablets of 2.5mg/325mg Percocet and one tablet of 5mg/325mg, 7.5/325mg, 10mg/325mg Percocet every 6 hours. According to FDA dosage guidelines, the total intake of acetaminophen is not more than 4000mg per day.
Overdose of Percocet medicine
If you somehow overdosed on it and observed serious symptoms such as trouble breathing then quickly take naloxone if available, then call 911 or call your local poison control center. Some symptoms of overdose include coma, vomiting, yellowing of eyes and skin, slow heartbeat, abdominal pain, extreme tiredness.
Causes of Back Pain
The majority of back pain is unidentifiable and nonspecific. Some underlying causes are traumatic and degenerative to the facet joint, spine disc, bones which causes secondary pain in the back area.
Inflammation of the kidney, pancreas, intestine, aorta, and gallbladder also causes pain in the back in these diseases. The source of pain is different and felt in different locations, this phenomenon of pain is known as referred pain.
Diseases like tumors and cancer of vertebrae, tissue, spinal cord and an adjacent structure, urinary tract infection, kidney stone also give rise to back pain.
Treatment and Management of Back Pain
You can adopt different treatment methods according to your present stage of the pain condition. Not all treatments are recommended for everyone. You can go for non-medicated treatment if you feel a moderate level of pain and have a low tolerance level of drugs. If you want quick healing and have severe pain then you must go with medicated treatment. Surgery is the last option to get relief from pain but generally, people did not need it. If your condition worsens as time passes then only you have to go with surgery. Treatment and proper management of pain are very essential to remain active and to do our normal daily work routine properly and efficiently.