
The global urgent care appsmarket size was USD 591.5 Million in 2019 and is expected to reach USD 7,931.1Million by 2027, at a CAGR of 40.2% during the forecast period. The globalurgent care apps market is likely to expand at an exponential rate in the nextfew years. Rising demand for patient-centered treatment worldwide is the keyfactor projected to fuel the global urgent care app market throughout theforecast period. The global urgent care apps market is anticipated to befurther driven by growing adoption of personalized medical treatmentapplications in the near future.
The report is updated with thelatest impact of the novel coronavirus pandemic on the market. The pandemic hasdrastically altered the market dynamics and trends and demands. It has alsodisrupted the supply chain and generated financial difficulties. The reportcovers the comprehensive effect of the pandemic on the industry and offers aninitial and future impact assessment of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic onthe Urgent Care Apps Market business sphere.
The latest market study, UrgentCare Apps Market blends in qualitative and quantitative research techniques topresent vital data on the competitive landscape for the period of 2020 - 2027.Thisresearch allows the business owners/individuals/ stakeholders to collectdecisive information about market segmentation based on product category, usageand sale volume across the various geographical regions. Business stakeholderscan prepare effective expansion plan by using the statistics on market share,size and the growth rate discussed in the report, for the forecast period of2020 - 2027.Unmatched information on past, present and upcoming market trends coveredin the study offer lucidity on the future projection of the industry.
KeyHighlights of Report
In February 2020, Arrow Solutions LLC was acquired by AlayaCare Inc. The deal would expand and strengthen Alaya Care’s productcapabilities in the diverse and highly regulated health care landscape
The post-hospital applications segment is expected to leadthe market, expanding at a CAGR of 40.3% during the forecast period, which isattributable to benefits of post-hospital applications such as expensereduction, error prevention, enhanced patient outcomes, preventive care, andefficient medication management.
The trauma segment is expected to lead the market during theforecast period. Surge in the number of roadway accidents in developing nationsand rising need for post-hospital treatments are estimated to promote growth ofthis segment during the forecast period.
The cloud-based segment is expected to dominate the marketduring the forecast period, due to the advantages such as hosting emergencycare apps in the cloud, including enhanced reliability, effective dataprocessing, better safety, and enhanced accessibility.
The emergency care & training segment is expected tolead the market throughout the forecast period. The specialized smartphone appfor hospitals can quickly detect emergency situations with convenience. In anemergency circumstance, the mobile application can notify health care providersof urgent situations, and healthcare professionals can quickly provide all theessential information through the app.
The North America region is anticipated to hold the largestmarket share during the forecast period. Growing adoption of new-technologysolutions in healthcare, availability of developed healthcare infrastructure,and increasing penetration of smartphones are expected to boost the market inthe region during the forecast period.
Keymarket participants include PatientSafe Solutions, Inc., TigerConnect,Inc., Siilo Holding B.V., Medisafe Limited, Hospify Limited, Allm Inc.,CommuniCare Technology, Inc. (Pulsara), Voalte, Inc., Vocera Communications,Inc., and Alaya Care Inc.
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North America (U.S., Canada)
Europe (U.K., Italy, Germany,France, Rest of EU)
Asia Pacific (India, Japan,China, South Korea, Australia, Rest of APAC)
Latin America (Chile, Brazil,Argentina, Rest of Latin America)
Middle East & Africa (SaudiArabia, U.A.E., South Africa, Rest of MEA)
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