
Aerial imaging refers to the mappingof areas by using an aircraft. The aircraft's camera is mounted on a pole inthe air and the imaging system allows for a detailed view of any area. Aerialimaging is often used to take pictures during weather conditions. For example,if there is heavy rain and the ground is slippery, the aerial photo can helppeople keep their feet on the ground and minimize the risk of slipping andfalling. There are many uses for aerial imaging, although it is most commonlyused in the fields of mapping, videography, and environmental research. Aerialimaging has become more popular with the use of drones in various field tasks.Surveys and geospatial mapping are just two of the applications of dronemapping. A drone can map the whole U.S. or a particular state, for example.Drones have also been employed in the mapping of large urban areas such as LosAngeles. Construction projects and environmental research need the use of thistechnology to determine the best approach for future projects.
There are numerous applications ofthis technology, especially when it comes to environmental monitoring.End-users can make use of the technology for environmental monitoring, such asto document the presence of rodents or pests in their surroundings. Aerialphotography can also provide crucial information for land and water management.Such applications would benefit local and national agencies responsible forenvironmental monitoring, restoration, and remediation. Mapping applications ofaerialimaging are on the rise. Defense applications include locating enemytroop positions, temporary security zones, weapons sites, underground storagedepots, and military bunkers. Civil defense uses aerial photography to locateweak spots in the enemy lines.
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