
Bullet-resistant glass is atransparent, reinforced material that can withstand the force of a gunshot orother impact to a target. Bullet-resistant glass in a jeweler's windowfollowing a break-in attempt. Another application is bullet-resistant windowpanes found in vehicles, not only for security purposes but also to keep outprying eyes. In the home, India bullet-resistant glass in shower enclosureshelps keep water from leaking in when the tub or shower is used. There are twocommon materials used for bullet-resistant glass namely polycarbonate andmelamine. Both are effective at stopping handguns. Each layer presents its ownset of benefits. Layers one and two each have different densities, so thethickness of each material will vary with the thickness of the target. There arethree major layers. The first layer is called laminated or fully laminated.This type of layer has two or more layers of plastic sandwiched together. Thisallows for extra thickness without compromising the rigidity of the laminatedlayers. Since this type of layer has more plastic it is stiffer than otherlayers, while still allowing air to pass through.
Indiabullet-resistant glass is a heavy-duty, bullet-resistant glass made from specially treatedturquoise glass that's been specially treated to be almost impossible toshatter. It is known to be bullet-resistant up to certain distances, as well ashaving excellent acoustic, thermal, and physical properties that make it veryeffective for use in industrial applications. Its use can range from military applicationsto automobile windshields, to bulletproof vests and helmets, bullet-proofmedical vests, bulletproof vests, and bulletproof backings for dams andbuildings. Bullet-resistant glass is used in many places where other materialsmay prove less effective, and also in some places where it may prove risky. Thematerial is treated with an electrochemical process that allows it to have anearly unlimited density.
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