
The global sterilization pouches market size is projected toreach USD 44.61 billion by 2027, exhibiting a CAGR of 5.51% during the forecastperiod. Spread of infections through contaminated medical devices is set tospike the demand for sterilization containers, shares Fortune BusinessInsights™ in its report, titled “Sterilization Pouches Market Size, Share &Industry Analysis, By Type (Sterilization Pouches {Paper Pouches, PlasticPouches}, Sterilization Wrapping, Sterilization Containers and Others), ByApplication (Hospitals, CSSDs, Clinics & and Others) and Regional Forecast,2020-2027”.
Medical devices are indispensible items in any healthcarefacility, being employed in various kinds of health procedures. These devicesneed to be stored in sterile environments to prevent them from gettingcontaminated. However, medical equipment is one of the primary causes of spreadof healthcare-associated infections. According a 2018 study of the Centers forDisease Control and Prevention (CDC), temporary medical devices such as urinarycatheters were a frequent cause of spread of infections in healthcarefacilities in the US between 2015 and 2017. Sterilization pouches are, therefore,crucial in maintaining the sterility standards of the devices used forhealthcare purposes, which is the primary factor driving the market growth.
Market Restraint
Increasing Generationof Plastic Waste by Medical Facilities to Stem Market Growth
Medical facilities generate enormous amounts of plasticwaste, since majority of instruments and equipment used in these facilitiescontain plastics. According to the US Healthcare Plastics Recycling Council,40% (approximately 5 million pounds) of plastic waste generated in US hospitalsis from sterilization pouches and wraps. As a result, there is growing clamorfor the use of reusable and recyclable plastic sterilization products inhospitals. Surveys conducted by Practice Greenhealth, a non-profit organizationdedicated to make hospitals more sustainable, found that hospitals that hadreplaced sing-use plastic devices with reusable ones have experienced asignificant decline in waste generation. Greenhealth also opines that reusablemedical products can also reduce costs by a sizeable margin for healthcarefacilities.
Regional Insights
Consistent Access toQuality Healthcare to Ensure Stable Product Demand in North America
In 2019, the market size in North America stood at USD9,534.68 million and the region is expected to dominate the sterilizationpouches market share in the forthcoming years. The main reason for this is theassured access to standard healthcare services and products to populationsacross the region. Moreover, per capita healthcare expenditure in Europe isalso considerably high compared to other countries, which is further fueling thegrowth of the regional market.
The market in Europe is anticipated to showcase promisinggrowth owing to active adoption of advanced sterilization solutions inhealthcare facilities in Western Europe. In Asia Pacific, healthcareexpenditure is steadily rising, especially in India and China, which augurswell for the global market.
Competitive Landscape
Key Players to Focuson Optimizing Response to the COVID-19 Outbreak
The COVID-19 pandemic has forced companies in this market toleverage their expertise in optimizing their response to this unprecedentedhealth crisis. With the usage of medical devices surging worldwide, the demandfor sterilization pouches and similar products is also escalating, compellingplayers to augment production capacities to meet this demand.
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