The Best 3 Solutions for Bird Proofing Your Property
The Best 3 Solutions for Bird Proofing Your Property
Bird proofing solutions have come a long way since they were first developed.

Bird proofing solutions have come a long way since they were first developed. Nowadays pigeon proofing is a very simple endeavor and can be done with very little effort and costs. Also, it really pays off to find a way to keep your property, either residential or commercial, bird free.

Why Is Bird Proofing So Important?

Some may think that birds are OK. And, in most cases, they are. But sometimes they can really get on your nerves. That’s because some of them tend to be quite noisy and messy when they start nesting or roosting. And that can really be bothersome to many. Having to clean up bird droppings can be stressful and also annoying because birds tend to poop a lot. Not to mention that letting bird droppings pile up can be a real eyesore, as well as a health risk.

That is why bird proofing is so important. But it isn’t just for homeowners. A lot of people use this type of solution. For instance, businesses use it in order to make sure that their venues look spotless. Also, they protect their clients this way from having to see or even smell bird droppings. That kind of odor can really put somebody off of their coffee and macarons. And it isn’t just for small businesses either. Large factories use this solution in order to make sure that their buildings are bird free. That’s because birds can nest among the machinery or even in air vents, and that can really mess with production and the overall comfort level in the workplace.

Also, bird proofing has been used for a long time by public institutions for their buildings and monuments. When you have a city hall or a hospital, you want it to be spotless. You want it to look its best in any condition. Cleaning up bird droppings and removing nests periodically doesn’t really send that message. So the best thing you can do is make sure that the birds don’t come near it at all. And with the modern solutions available today on the market, this is quite easy to do.

Can You Use It on Statues and Other Smaller Things Too?

The simple answer is yes. That’s because the proofing solutions used nowadays are discreet and easy to install. If you don’t want something that stands out, that can overshadow the beauty of the statue or monument, you have a lot of other options at your disposal. And they are generally safe for humans and pets alike. Just make sure that you use them properly.

3 Bird Proofing Solutions

  1. The first solution might be the most common and the one that most people know about. Placing metal strips with spikes sticking out of them along your fences, ledged or other places birds like to nest, is one of the most effective solutions out there. the beauty of it is that installation is fast and the materials used are fairly cheap. The downside of this solution however is that it is pretty conspicuous. So, if you are considering it, know that you will most likely not be able to cover it up, and people will see it. If you are ok with that, then this is the solution for you.
  1. Another way of bird proofing your property is by using ultrasound machines. These emit a high-frequency pitch that wards off birds and make them confused and scared to land where the sound is coming from. Also, more modern ultrasound machines also use lights that flash from time to time. This way they are efficient even in the dark. And because some of them are solar operated, that means that you only have to install them and just let them do their work. The disadvantage of these machines is that they might also scare your pets, especially cats if they wander around in the area where you place them. But even pets can learn to live with this solution, given enough time.
  1. Another solution comes in the form of gels, sprays, and other substances that you can spread across the area you want to be relived of birds. These are maybe the easiest solutions to deploy, and you can buy them from almost anywhere. They usually create a sticky surface, which the birds don’t like, and also mimic the way birds see fire, without having any actual flames. You can practically put them anywhere you want, even on vertical surfaces, or glass and metal.

Where Is Pigeon Proofing Most Needed?

 Pigeon proofing is quite popular in towns, cities, and generally in any large communities. That’s because pigeons tend to gather where they know food can be found easily. But, because food can be found so easily, there is always the risk of them making a mess on the cars, the buildings, and even on the people that feed them. So local administrators have been coming up with solutions to ward off pigeons from densely populated areas.

Another place where pigeon proofing can prove crucial is near airports and landing strips. That’s because pigeons tend to flock, especially when they get scared of large objects or loud noises. One can imagine how that affects activity in and around an airport. With planes landing and taking off frequently, pigeons near the runways can be quite hazardous. They can fly into engines and damage them not to mention that they die in the process. So authorities have been looking for solutions to scare them off.

Parks are also a place where pigeons can do a lot of mess. Granted, it is natural and all, but they can really do a number on the pathways and on any outdoor furniture that’s installed. So park authorities are coming up with plans to scare off pigeons from the parks, or at least keep them away from the areas with the most traffic.

How Expensive Is Pigeon Proofing?

Pigeon-proofing solutions aren’t that expensive. That’s because many of them use cheap materials and can be widely found in stores and online. Also, because the technology used by these solutions is very high-tech, they last for a long time, not needing anyone to look after them. So you are actually saving money when using these solutions if you compare it to what you would spend on cleaning supplies or having to repair any damages done to your property.

Also, pigeon proofing solutions are quite easy to deploy. So many people just go to the store and handle things themselves. Granted, some situations may require professional help, but many just require you to go up a ladder and glue or nail something to your roof or ledge. So there’s no need for expensive pest control specialists or sophisticated installation options.

But Are They Safe for the Pigeons?

Yes. These solutions are mainly used to deter pigeons from nesting and roosting, not ill them. The solutions only make them a bit confused and scared of a certain area, but it most certainly doesn’t harm them in any way. And that’s because killing them or harming them, would be a lot messier, and that would be counterproductive to the whole idea.