
The oncology pipeline is comprised of various oncology research programs directed at finding new treatments for cancer. The overall strategy is directed toward the development of targeted preventive and therapeutic interventions. The primary oncology research programs include the research into novel genetic approaches, pre-clinical treatments, and delivery systems. The second category includes those drugs that act directly on oxidative metabolism pathways, -oxidation, glycolysis, and the Bcl-x/IAP complex protein, while the third one includes those drugs which cause cellular death via the intrinsic apoptotic pathway by driving specific oxygen-sensitive pathways. The fourth category includes drugs acting on alternative cellular targets such as those affected by the cancer-immune function.
While efforts are continuously made towards research applications and the development of targeted clinical trials in oncology, it has become increasingly clear that there is a huge need to move the science of oncology forward. There has been an unprecedented growth in the number of cancers in the developed world in recent years and this has been accompanied by a lack of effective treatments. In addition, there is a major shortage of adequately qualified staff in oncology departments across the world. These issues have led to increased interest in the field and the establishment of the global oncology drug pipeline analysis market research program.
One of the latest findings from the oncologydrug pipeline analysis is that cancer cells appear to be able to adapt.This is a fundamental principle of biology and has long been recognized as animportant factor in cancer therapy. Studies in animals have provided evidencethat cancer cells, when given the opportunity, can develop resistance tovarious drugs. This is one of the most important aspects of the oncologypipeline as it helps reduce the chances of a toxic reaction occurring in humancells when such a reaction occurs. The report describes in great detail thevarious types of late-stage development activities being carried out to ensurethat any new drugs can be brought to the clinical trial stage within therequired time period. It also provides information relating to the progress ofcancer programs in other areas around the world.
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