
Thereare many North America scar treatments available to those who suffer from acnescars, but there are also many ways to improve the appearance of scarring.Scarring is often the result of damage to the skin caused by acne or other skindiseases, such as psoriasis or eczema. Scarring may also be caused by skinirritation and scarring is a common part of the aging process.
Acnescar treatment depends on the type of scarring patients have and the severityof the scarring. If the damage is not that severe, most dermatologists willadvise to simply moisturize the skin and let it heal. Sometimes chemical peelscan also help to improve the appearance of burn scars. These North Americascar treatments may includedermabrasion, chemical peels, and Kinerase treatment, depending on the severityof scarring and skin type.
Achemical peel is often one of the more common North America scar treatmentoptions. Patients can go to a dermatologist or a cosmetic surgeon and ask himor her to perform this treatment. If they would rather have the results made toorder, many cosmetic surgeons offer silicone gels. These gels can be applied tothe scars, wrapped in Saran wrap, or left on overnight. They can also be usedto fade age spots and fade scars caused by sun damage.
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